Remember the first ever Supernova and how REVELATIONARY it was and we all thought that Latvia had finally found their way and now they're back to having the joint lowest qualification record of the decade* - tragic. Carousel would have been a great addition to the final if they had a better entry, they should go for it again.
*Slovakia don't count
The initial announcement for the very first edition of Supernova stated that they were looking for new talent with international potential, but already the second edition was filled with the same exact people who had participated in Supernova's predecessor for years with no luck. No wonder it turned shit, just like Eesti Laul and UMK did.Remember the first ever Supernova and how REVELATIONARY it was and we all thought that Latvia had finally found their way and now they're back to having the joint lowest qualification record of the decade* - tragic. Carousel would have been a great addition to the final if they had a better entry, they should go for it again.
*Slovakia don't count