Dear fellows,
I apologize in advance for a possibly a little "unusual" posting in this thread.
Every year I try to be as open-minded and fair as possible, and I really try to acknowledge the qualities of every single ESC entry.
Nevertheless, there are always some entries that I find extremely "hard to like". This year Latvia is one of them. The melody is not "catchy", not even the chorus. Concerning the vocals I think there are many better singers in the contest. And there are those lyrics:
So cheesy, like in thousands of other cheap love songs with boring rhythms.
That's of course just my opinion, but I would like to understand better why Latvia is ranked high in many "top-lists" around the internet.
Why is this a good song?
(And I do not mean the "guy-is-so-cute"-arguments, I am interested in the musical aspects.)
Maybe some of you could be so kind to "enlighten me"... thanks!