There's stuff I will never understand here. Suddenly this has become a war when this all should be about celebration (which does not mean we can't say how much we dislike entries or choices). To what countries that qualify 'over and over' concerns, Portugal was even compared to Spain and Italy :shock:

(thanks btw) it's because people like their songs and the majority allows them to go through? :? Should people now feel guilty for that? Well, I've failed miserably sometimes and with some songs I absolutely love. Ended at the bottom in the finals countless times. If I feel guilty for qualifying? Obviously not. Having

in this contest has been hard work, I take time selecting songs, re-listening to them, and thinking what I love and what others might like. Portuguese and Portuguese songs are not easily liked in online contests, I don't love many songs in the Portuguese music scence, so yeah, I've been sweating my ***s off to be able to keep being here for 29 editions in a row and reach decent results. I never please the same people at the same time, and I certainly don't have biased people voting for my songs. So yeah, I feel great even with my bottom results. I never followed the idea: "Oh I love this and I don't give a crap about if others like it or not". If this was so, why should I keep taking part in these contests after all? Why do people who say this over and over again, complain about their results?
Trying to feel others quilty for achieving better results is bitter and immature. I never attacked others for doing well (Italy and Spain, for example). If they succeed it's because people love their entries and they fairly qualify. If this is a pain in the ***s for some, then leaving the contest is indeed the best decision. And if this contest fails to have more coutries from all over the world, this is because people don't want to pick those countries and regions. (Should we force people to pick them? :shock

I vote for songs and not for friends. If you check my 12 pointers you will be able to find out how diverse they are. My ranking includes all types of songs and I don't always have my closest friends at the top or even in my top 10 at all (even though some of them are the closest to my personal taste). I can love almost all genres. And why not? This is about enjoying music, not a getting a/an master/expert diploma in music or something. Fortunately we are as entitled to love what we love, as much as we are to express our honest opinions about what others pick).
Mainstream songs are everywhere, not only in WV. I've seen quite a lot in the 2 other contests in this forum. We are obviously free to love or hate those songs or particular genres. But whenever we fail, we should take that responsibility, those are our choices and we must be aware that we cannot force others to love what we love.
I'm honestly sad some people like Adel and Tinchey leave this contest. I like them both. I don't deny that. But if they (or others) don't like what's going on in here, it's better to leave than becoming bitter about this or other issues.