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Jury switching thread


WorldVision Mod
Staff member
August 1, 2012

Switching juries is not essential - you can remain in your current chosen country/region but if you want to switch the jury, you can do it once you have taken part 3 editions in one jury.

any moves made for later editions will not count

If you wish to switch the jury, you should reply to this thread with the following information:

Current WorldVision country/region:
New WorldVision country/region:

NOTE: be sure your switch follows The Rules

Changes from WV197
hjarnskakning | :eg: Egypt ➟ ::ps Palestine
Marcos C | :nz: New Zealand ➟ :paci: Pacific States
Celka | :af: Afghanistan ➟ :tw: Taiwan
Uto | ::guel Guelders ➟ :jp: Japan
theCONWEL | :ie: Ireland ➟ :nz: New Zealand
Gera11 | :paci: Pacific States ➟ :west: Western USA
Arion | :kr: South Korea ➟ ::ceca Central Canada
Nelisa | :cn: China ➟ :kr: South Korea
Aditya | OP ➟ :lond: London
Edward | OP ➟ :nl: Netherlands
Eulaliya | OP ➟ :sc: Scotland
Leydan | :west:Western USA ➟ :gr: The Greece

Changes from WV198
NikolaiMoller | :uz: Uzbekistan ➟ :rs: Serbia
theditz83 | :se: Sweden ➟ ::queb Quebec
Ekholmia | ::gota Götaland ➟ :se: Sweden

Countries and their respective regions that can currently NOT be taken because the limit of the regions has been reached:
Last edited by a moderator:


Well-known member
April 5, 2010

Username of members switching : FabiESC
Current WorldVision country/region: Belgium
New WorldVision country/region: Hungary


Well-known member
March 6, 2011
Hej guys, I want to withdraw as well. :) I just don't have time or interest and I don't think that will change in the next few months. xwave


March 3, 2011
Cyprus / Oussou Empire
Oh god. xcry This contest will turn into a complete mainstreamvision and latinovision soon :? I don't think I will stay in here much longer then...

I didn't know Adel and Luki were the pillars of WV and them withdrawing will have such an effect. And I don't see anything that can make someone think it will turn to mainstreamvision and latinovision. It's as unreasonable as seeing people calling it metalvision or rockvision. How many latin songs we have per edition? Around 7 out of 60? And in this edition almost all failed. Same goes to mainstream. The most mainstream songs fail because the majority of people in these forums find them cheap like their taste is too good to vote for more commercial songs that don't have an epic/anthemic melody and talk about the essence of life in the lyrics. But thankfully we still have some balance because I wouldn't stand to take part in two ISCs at the same time.


Well-known member
January 8, 2012
Czech Republic / Biflovatia
I didn't know Adel and Luki were the pillars of WV and them withdrawing will have such an effect. And I don't see anything that can make someone think it will turn to mainstreamvision and latinovision. It's as unreasonable as seeing people calling it metalvision or rockvision. How many latin songs we have per edition? Around 7 out of 60? And in this edition almost all failed. Same goes to mainstream. The most mainstream songs fail because the majority of people in these forums find them cheap like their taste is too good to vote for more commercial songs that don't have an epic/anthemic melody and talk about the essence of life in the lyrics. But thankfully we still have some balance because I wouldn't stand to take part in two ISCs at the same time.

Well yeah, my comment was exaggerated. :mrgreen: But still, I think this contest will soon lose its remaining balance with people like eerik, Paper, Adel and Tinchey withdrawing + some other members are thinking about withdrawing as well.


February 24, 2010
Lisbon & Kordavian Islands
There's stuff I will never understand here. Suddenly this has become a war when this all should be about celebration (which does not mean we can't say how much we dislike entries or choices). To what countries that qualify 'over and over' concerns, Portugal was even compared to Spain and Italy :shock: :lol: (thanks btw) it's because people like their songs and the majority allows them to go through? :? Should people now feel guilty for that? Well, I've failed miserably sometimes and with some songs I absolutely love. Ended at the bottom in the finals countless times. If I feel guilty for qualifying? Obviously not. Having :pt: in this contest has been hard work, I take time selecting songs, re-listening to them, and thinking what I love and what others might like. Portuguese and Portuguese songs are not easily liked in online contests, I don't love many songs in the Portuguese music scence, so yeah, I've been sweating my ***s off to be able to keep being here for 29 editions in a row and reach decent results. I never please the same people at the same time, and I certainly don't have biased people voting for my songs. So yeah, I feel great even with my bottom results. I never followed the idea: "Oh I love this and I don't give a crap about if others like it or not". If this was so, why should I keep taking part in these contests after all? Why do people who say this over and over again, complain about their results?

Trying to feel others quilty for achieving better results is bitter and immature. I never attacked others for doing well (Italy and Spain, for example). If they succeed it's because people love their entries and they fairly qualify. If this is a pain in the ***s for some, then leaving the contest is indeed the best decision. And if this contest fails to have more coutries from all over the world, this is because people don't want to pick those countries and regions. (Should we force people to pick them? :shock:) I vote for songs and not for friends. If you check my 12 pointers you will be able to find out how diverse they are. My ranking includes all types of songs and I don't always have my closest friends at the top or even in my top 10 at all (even though some of them are the closest to my personal taste). I can love almost all genres. And why not? This is about enjoying music, not a getting a/an master/expert diploma in music or something. Fortunately we are as entitled to love what we love, as much as we are to express our honest opinions about what others pick).

Mainstream songs are everywhere, not only in WV. I've seen quite a lot in the 2 other contests in this forum. We are obviously free to love or hate those songs or particular genres. But whenever we fail, we should take that responsibility, those are our choices and we must be aware that we cannot force others to love what we love.

I'm honestly sad some people like Adel and Tinchey leave this contest. I like them both. I don't deny that. But if they (or others) don't like what's going on in here, it's better to leave than becoming bitter about this or other issues.


Active member
March 26, 2012
I didn't know Adel and Luki were the pillars of WV and them withdrawing will have such an effect. And I don't see anything that can make someone think it will turn to mainstreamvision and latinovision. It's as unreasonable as seeing people calling it metalvision or rockvision. How many latin songs we have per edition? Around 7 out of 60? And in this edition almost all failed. Same goes to mainstream. The most mainstream songs fail because the majority of people in these forums find them cheap like their taste is too good to vote for more commercial songs that don't have an epic/anthemic melody and talk about the essence of life in the lyrics. But thankfully we still have some balance because I wouldn't stand to take part in two ISCs at the same time.

I suscribe every word. And it's sad to see people go, hopefully they'll change their mind in time. However, I don't buy that "uniqueness" some people are said to have over and over again in comparison to the rest. WV will go on just as fine.


Active member
July 29, 2013
Wow, yes, make your own stupid drama and start hating on me. Freaking losers.

You may lose your excitement about World Vision and so correctly may want to withdraw. I have close feelings recently about World Vision, too. But nothing gives you right to insult anyone. That's all about prestige which you have some missed. I guess that should be enough to ban someone from the World Vision for ever.


Well-known member
April 24, 2011
haus of esk flops
One person won't change the wheather here. The best songs will always get the points from the most WV-ers and will be on top positions. Adel's entry Endless rain was in top-10, but he failed to vote and his place was switched to last. The fact he left WV is example of childish behaviour. Sorry if I hurt someone.

Wow, yes, make your own stupid drama and start hating on me. Freaking losers.

It doesn't show good side of you


Active member
January 21, 2013
La Belgique
Sad you guys are leaving, but I wish you two the best in your life/work/whatever the reason is and I hope you may come back someday :)

But thankfully we still have some balance because I wouldn't stand to take part in two ISCs at the same time.
Kosma & Tonallan ~ Finland & Svealand



February 20, 2013
Oh great, if it will be MainstreamVision, then Staewi and I will have fun. Bye guys (next time just withdraw without these childish cries for attention...) xwave


Well-known member
March 24, 2012
Oh great, if it will be MainstreamVision, then Staewi and I will have fun. Bye guys (next time just withdraw without these childish cries for attention...) xwave
Yaaay xcheer
Secret plans to bully the others out? xqueenbitch
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