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Juries hate etno? Eurovision turning into just another Idol


Active member
March 14, 2010
Stockholm, Sweden (La Suede)
Deltage said:
But with Greece, I think they had a perfect mix of a folk song and an electronic/pop song that was also catchy and obviously appealed to people. I don't know about juries, but since the average viewer probably votes for only one or maybe few favorites, a song like Greece had has a much bigger chance of getting those votes than something so specific as Finland. Estonia had a etno-inspired song once too (that most people probably don't remember) that was sort of similar to the Finnish entry but more modern, and that was stuck in the semi too.
That was "Tii" by Nekõsõ (or something) and much less limited in appeal. Their problem was that they were out of tune and pretty all over the place choreography-wise.

Just because a song is ethnic and doesn't mean it's good. And just because it fails in the semi-final doesn't mean the jury or televoters unfairly shunned it specifically for being etno. Norway's entry 2009 was etno... and it won.


Active member
May 24, 2010
Tallinn, Estonia
I didn't personally like that song much and I agree that the choreography was bad, for some reason Estonia never manages to have a good choreography. It's okay of course with something like last years' song which was pretty much standing/sitting still if I remember correctly, but I feel that Tii would have had much better result with a decent choreography, especially as it only barely missed out from the semi top 10.

Well anyway, everyone is probably so used to Greek or Turkish songs having folk music elements in their pop songs that they actually can risk sending something "more etno" and it can do well. Obviously these one-time tries from Finland and other countries are more for introducing their culture than an actual hope to win ESC.


Well-known member
October 3, 2009
Trondheim, Norway / Niavara, Balearica Island
Re: Juries hate etno?

A-lister said:
And Bosnia can thank their diaspora - no other comment about that.
Well, I have a comment about it. The guy I share the apartment I live in with had Bosnia as his favorite song of the night. And I didn't think it was too bad either. And neither of us are of Bosnian descent. So you fail. Again.


Slovakia'a song was nice but their performance was not so great. But I think they had to be in final. I mean, come on, Russia had qualified and Slovakia is going back to home!


Active member
May 24, 2010
Tallinn, Estonia
it's so funny how everybody is commenting on the performance because I heard this song the first time in the semi, and I loved the performance, especially the choreography (of course the song itself was good too).


Active member
March 26, 2010
4 Words in favor or the Juries:

Patricia Kaas, Top 10.

Lol i'm joking a litle but seriously juries are here in my opinion to help good songs, well performed to go to the final.

Finland was well performed but wasn't a great song, Slovakia was an amazing song but was badly performed.

You can honestly blame the juries before the full result comes out anyway!How can you be so sure Slovakia & Finland aren't higher with them than the televotes.

It the juries help Belgium, Portugal & Serbia to pass Tuesday then they did a good job.

The only very very bad thing about juries is that they votes during the rehearsals! They should vote during the final because some singers loose it completely because of the stress and some others give it 100% on the big night because of it.

And also i think every jurors should vote separetly and after that add their votes and only discuss a litle their ranking.

If 5 people are in the same room and 3 of them say 'what a great song' the others may be influenced by that even if they disliked it.And of course it works the other way

I suspect last year some countries like Greece last year for example lost a few points because of that.


Well-known member
September 28, 2009
FallenAngelII said:
A-lister said:
manialf said:
And what exactly are Serbia and Greece to you? Americanized??? Get over it and enjoy the show. It's just Eurovision for Christ's sake!

Greece and Serbia has diaspora though while Slovakia had nothing.

Just proves this contest is ALL about politics and the juries are just as evil.
Again I ask: Where's your proof that the juries specifically shunned these entries whilst the televoters wanted them? And why are they "evil" for not voting for your favourite entries? Maybe they just weren't that good.

If Greece and Serbia are so evil and only get points because of diaspora, how come Greece routinely fail when they send bad entries and Serbia didn't qualify for the final last year? Gee, what happened to that magical diaspora and biased juries in 2009 when Greece didn't get Top 3 or even Top 5 and Serbia didn't even qualify for the final? Did the diaspora suddenly forget to vote? Did the juries forget to be evil?

Kristina was nervous and it shone through in her performance and her vocals were overall pretty weak.

Get off your cross. She just dropped the ball when push came to shove because she is young, inexperienced and was nervous.

Agree with every word.

I can see that some are disappointed when their fave fails, but Slovakia and Finland, two big favorites of mine, failed as well, but that's just how life (and ESC) goes. It would be ideal if everything ends the way we like it. Slovakia was very weak on stage, and I can see why it failed. Finland was awesome on the other hand, and I feel really sorry for them.

Russia, Belarus and Portugal shouldn't have make it, songwise imo (though Portugal deserved it the most of these 3), but they did make it. Now what? Let's hang ourselves because of it.

Some people are extremely overreacting. Like you will quit ESC because of this. The same story goes on the same year.


December 28, 2009
But people doesn't seem to get it.

Eurovision is NOT an "Idol" show where some singers sings kareoke and the one with the best voice wins.

This is firstly a SONG contest.

So what if we have a final full of singers who are technically good but with crappy songs? Then next year will be even a bigger decline in the songs quality...

Offcourse voices are important but most important in this should be the songs... like I said this is not just another Idol show... but it seems that will be the result if only the "big voices" will go through NO MATTER the song they sing...

Yes... Kristina is not a big voice but gosh i'll take that over someone who just wails for 3 minutes... for me Eurovision should be firstly about songs.

I want Eurovision SONG Contest back... I don't want European Idol... I don't care who sings the best... as long as the people sing good enough then the song is what is important.

So what do you guys vote for? Eurovision turning into another Idol type of show with CRAPPY songs but so called "big voices" and with no songs with any local connection

OR Eurovision as we know it where the things that counts the most are the SONGS!


Active member
May 24, 2010
Tallinn, Estonia
A-lister said:
But people doesn't seem to get it.

Eurovision is NOT an "Idol" show where some singers sings kareoke and the one with the best voice wins.

This is firstly a SONG contest.

So what if we have a final full of singers who are technically good but with crappy songs? Then next year will be even a bigger decline in the songs quality...

Offcourse voices are important but most important in this should be the songs... like I said this is not just another Idol show... but it seems that will be the result if only the "big voices" will go through NO MATTER the song they sing...

Yes... Kristina is not a big voice but gosh i'll take that over someone who just wails for 3 minutes... for me Eurovision should be firstly about songs.

I want Eurovision SONG Contest back... I don't want European Idol... I don't care who sings the best... as long as the people sing good enough then the song is what is important.

So what do you guys vote for? Eurovision turning into another Idol type of show with CRAPPY songs but so called "big voices" and with no songs with any local connection

OR Eurovision as we know it where the things that counts the most are the SONGS!

I said exactly that in another topic, I think people focus too much on the vocals. I guess they could let artists play some instruments or the whole song live to even that out if they want to, but there should definitely still be option for pre-recorded backing tracks otherwise everything modern and electronic is out of ESC.


Active member
March 14, 2010
Stockholm, Sweden (La Suede)
A-lister said:
But people doesn't seem to get it.

Eurovision is NOT an "Idol" show where some singers sings kareoke and the one with the best voice wins.

This is firstly a SONG contest.
But if your vocals are truly crappy, then it brings down the entire performance. You cannot and should not win or make it to the final with a really good song if your singer can't sing!

A-lister said:
So what if we have a final full of singers who are technically good but with crappy songs? Then next year will be even a bigger decline in the songs quality...
Why? How about some people send in good songs with good singers? It's been known to happen.

Also, just because you think a song is really good doesn't mean it actually is. It's your opinion.
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