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Italy ITALY 2024 - Angelina Mango - La noia

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December 23, 2018
Yes, the last time Sanremo's winner didn't went to esc was in 2016. Has he said anything about going to Eurovision?

Edit: He confirmed he will go to eurovision if he wins.

E il fatto di avere un brano in napoletano per Geolier non sembra essere un problema nemmeno nel caso dovesse partecipare all'Eurovision Song Contest: "Ci sono tanti pezzi italiani e napoletani che hanno fatto il giro del mondo, sarei contento di andare all'Eurovision con il napoletano. Anche se I p' me, tu p' te non è né Volare né O sole mio".

And the fact of having a song in Neapolitan for Geolier does not seem to be a problem even if he were to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest: "There are many Italian and Neapolitan songs that have gone around the world, I would be happy to go to Eurovision with the Neapolitan. Even if I p' me, tu p' te is neither Volare nor O sole mio".
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