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Unironically, Clara has the best song this year. I have no clue what is Italy smoking, putting it that low. It's a Eurovision winner.
Sanremo is diferent from other nfs, the winner can choose not do accept the invitation to representItalyRai at eurovision.
Yes, the last time Sanremo's winner didn't went to esc was in 2016. Has he said anything about going to Eurovision?
Edit: He confirmed he will go to eurovision if he wins.
E il fatto di avere un brano in napoletano per Geolier non sembra essere un problema nemmeno nel caso dovesse partecipare all'Eurovision Song Contest: "Ci sono tanti pezzi italiani e napoletani che hanno fatto il giro del mondo, sarei contento di andare all'Eurovision con il napoletano. Anche se I p' me, tu p' te non è né Volare né O sole mio".
And the fact of having a song in Neapolitan for Geolier does not seem to be a problem even if he were to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest: "There are many Italian and Neapolitan songs that have gone around the world, I would be happy to go to Eurovision with the Neapolitan. Even if I p' me, tu p' te is neither Volare nor O sole mio".