My top after a few listenings of both the live and studio versions has changed a bit:
1 - Mara Sattei - Duemilaminuti (Awesome! I didn't give it much attention at the first listening apparently, but this is a great song. Totally up my alley. Written by Damiano and arranged by Thasup, it really expose the vocals of Mara. Won't win ofc, but this one is really good)
2 - Marco Mengoni - Due Vite (Here we have the favourite... And yeah, he is favourite for a reason. It's not his best song, but by the way it's still pleasant and if he sings like Tuesday there is nothing I can do but to stand up and applaud. One of the best singers Italy has ever discovered from a Talent Show, he really had the X Factor!)
3 - Mr. Rain - Supereroi (I'm pleasantly surprised. I must admit I didn't know him well before Sanremo. But he left an impact on his first Sanremo. The song is really good, lyrically very impactful and with a great meaning, and the performance felt really heartfelt, like he meant it. Won't win, but he has already won his own Sanremo. This will be a hit in the next months, for sure)
4 - Lazza - Cenere (He is one of the rising talents of Italian Music industry and I think he made a solid debut: the song is really modern, he sang it well and the music is captivating. This Sanremo could be the first step to be a star)
5 - Madame - Il bene nel male (Unpopular: this song is better than Voce. Why I find better? I don't know, maybe it's just a personal taste. But to me it sounds more mature, like Madame finally is growing into something even bigger. And this is coming from a person who is not her biggest stan, not at all)
6 - Paola & Chiara - Furore (Maybe I'm putting the sisters too high, I don't know. But I'm absolutely loving it! That retro vibe makes me feel really nostalgic, the song is catchy as hell and I'm happy for their comeback)
7 - Elodie - Due (A good song but with its pros and cons. I really love the chorus, and I like a lot the musical choices, plus she delivers the song well. But I find the verses and the chorus quite disjointed, and this is a problem, imo. I still think she has some chances, but not as much as 2020)
8 - Colapesce & Dimartino - Splash (Not as good as Musica leggerissima, but quite interesting. Maybe it will grow even more on me. They are good performers and seem to really enjoy their time on that stage)
9 - Colla Zio - Non mi va (The best ones amongst the Giovani. Why? Well, for the stage presence, in primis. They seem to be not intimidated by that great stage. Secondly they remind me a green version of Pinguini Tattici Nucleari, which I adore! So I totally support them)
10 - Articolo 31 - Un bel viaggio (Sorry, but I grew up with those two, I can't rank them higher, but neither I can't put them lower. This song works deep to me, because they are talking about theirselves, but it's like they are talking to all the people who loved them and their music)
The others:
11 - Coma_Cose - L'addio
12 - Levante - Vivo
13 - Sethu - Cause perse
14 - Rosa Chemical - Made in Italy
15 - Giorgia - Parole dette male (disappointment no. 1)
16 - Tananai - Tango
17 - Ultimo - Alba (disappointment no. 2)
18 - Anna Oxa - Sali
19 - Leo Gassman - Terzo cuore
20 - LDA - Se poi domani
21 - gIANMARIA - Mostro
22 - Modà - Lasciami
23 - Olly - Polvere
24 - Cugini di Campagna - Lettera 22
25 - Shari - Egoista
26 - Ariete - Mare di Guai
27 - Gianluca Grignani - Quando ti manca il fiato
28 - Will - Stupido
Overall a good Sanremo year: there aren't a lot of wows, but there aren't songs that I really despise, musically speaking. Not every year can be 1997 (the year with the best Sanremo edition and the best Eurovision edition of all time, if you ask me), but it's not 2010 level too (that was trash, I assure you).