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Italy ITALY 2021 - Måneskin - Zitti e buoni

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  • 12

    130 44.8%
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    38 13.1%
  • 8

    26 9.0%
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    19 6.6%
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    14 4.8%
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    14 4.8%
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    6 2.1%
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    7 2.4%
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    8 2.8%
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    2 0.7%
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    26 9.0%

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September 28, 2009

Sanremo 2021: Vote for YOUR favourite!

Loro non sanno di che parlo
Voi siete sporchi, fra’, di fango
Giallo di siga’ fra le dita
Io con la siga’ camminando
Scusami, ma ci credo tanto
Che posso fare questo salto
Anche se la strada è in salita
Per questo ora mi sto allenando

E buonasera signore e signori
Fuori gli attori
Vi conviene toccarvi i coglioni
Vi conviene stare zitti e buoni
Qui la gente è strana, tipo spacciatori
Troppe notti stavo chiuso fuori
Mo’ li prendo a calci, ‘sti portoni
Sguardo in alto, tipo scalatori
Quindi scusa mamma se sto sempre fuori, ma

Sono fuori di testa, ma diverso da loro
E tu sei fuori di testa, ma diversa da loro
Siamo fuori di testa, ma diversi da loro
Siamo fuori di testa, ma diversi da loro

Io ho scritto pagine e pagine
Ho visto sale, poi lacrime
Questi uomini in macchina
Non scalare le rapide
Scritto sopra una lapide
"In casa mia non c’è Dio"
Ma se trovi il senso del tempo
Risalirai dal tuo oblio
E non c’è vento che fermi
La naturale potenza
Dal punto giusto di vista
Del vento senti l’ebrezza
Con ali in cera alla schiena
Ricercherò quell’altezza
Se vuoi fermarmi, ritenta
Prova a tagliarmi la testa

Sono fuori di testa, ma diverso da loro
E tu sei fuori di testa, ma diversa da loro
Siamo fuori di testa, ma diversi da loro
Siamo fuori di testa, ma diversi da loro

Parla la gente, purtroppo
Parla, non sa di che cosa parla
Tu portami dove sto a galla
Che qui mi manca l’aria
E parla la gente, purtroppo
Parla, non sa di che cosa parla
Tu portami dove sto a galla
Che qui mi manca l’aria
Parla la gente, purtroppo
Parla, non sa di che cazzo parla
Tu portami dove sto a galla
Che qui mi manca l’aria

Ma sono fuori di testa, ma diverso da loro
E tu sei fuori di testa, ma diversa da loro
Siamo fuori di testa, ma diversi da loro
Siamo fuori di testa, ma diversi da loro

Noi siamo diversi da loro​
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Ana Raquel

OM Mod
Staff member
March 3, 2018
I believe they could. Maybe not as their absolute winner, but I'd say there's some vintage rockstar in modern cloaks quality* to it, and the juries could pay for exactly that (especially in direct comparison to all the usual Eurovision categories that could eventually end up sounding very similar). In addition, as Polly mentions above me, the song itself really isn't your usual C-G-Am-F chords composition, which should in theory count for something as well.

*many other uptempos include fire in their performance, while Damiano simply is the fire. Not exactly Freddie Mercury, but somewhere along similar power
you got something right here: in theory. it should count; in practice, we already saw many other songs with unusual composition/melody/structure/vocals doing poorly with the juries - and let's be real, rock entries in general aren't usually super well-received by them either. I know there isn't a similar entry to this in order to compare results, but all the other rock entries were more hurt by the juries.

like I said, it's like Ukraine: both 12s, both would become fantastic winners, but I sadly can't see it. :(


Well-known member
March 16, 2020
I think Ukraine will get a much lower juryscore (mostly because the way of singing) than Italy. Yeah, rock never does that great with the juries. But this isn't just a simple hard/loud song, it's in a beautiful language and most important: the lead singer does have a good voice and on top of that charisma and stage presence.

Will it win with the juries? No. But I do believe that top 10 is possible. Not because all the juries will give it 5 points or something, but because I think there will be love/hate there. I can see some juries giving it zero points, but I wouldn't rule out that there might be some juries who really go for it and give it like 7-10 points.


Active member
March 21, 2021
I'm so happy for the positive feedback they are getting xlove

The reactions & the applauses from the 'press room' after their rehearsals gave me lifexyaay-- that was exactly what the band was aiming for: making us feel the experience of a live concert* and to surprise us.

Fingers crossed for a good result xmetalxcheer ( yeah, I have no hope for a win - I've been burned too many timesxexcuseme )

[ * I've read some people complaining about that in particular and I'm like ... they are a live band - this is them - why should they change to fit some kind of 'unwritten rule'? To try to win at any cost? xthink At least they are different :lol:

And, at the end, if we look at the rehearsals in general, the ones that are doing good are those who stayed true to themselves - see France ... so... xshrug]


Active member
March 21, 2021
I didn't understand what exactly they were complaining about?
That it looked "like a gig" and not like "eurovision" and for some reason it's a bad and "disrespectful" (yeah, I can't find the tweet anymore but they even said that :lol:) thing ...

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April 10, 2021
They are so low key and modest and have surprised everybody yesterday, ppl expected they would act like some huge rock stars (what they are in essence).

Important disclaimer on juries and voting to all

If you like the song - vote for it!

You don't know how juries will rate this because this is different from other and ever seen rock entries.

Let's not vote on the basis who we think others may want to win.

Let's vote for who we like and want to reward for their hard work and uniqueness!

Because that's the only right thing we can do.

That's the purpose of televote after all. To hear what we think, not the juries or influencers or YT reviewers.


Active member
March 25, 2021
That it looked "like a gig" and not like "eurovision" and for some reason it's a bad and "disrespectful" (yeah, I can't find the tweet anymore but they even said that :lol:) thing ...

Well, I don't understand what's wrong and disrespectful. оО


April 25, 2012
I apologize to all Italian fans for filling this thread with hate earlier.

Italy is now my number one 💋 best song this year by faaaaaaaaaaaar



Well-known member
April 13, 2012
Some considerations about voting.
All the theories could be valid or not.
Every year we have unexpected and unpredictable jury or public winners.
2019 none was thinking North Macedonia or Norway were going to win the jury and the televote
Even the year before jury awarded Austria and Sweden which were not predicted by most of us.
The other question is that I've heard so many times "Juries don't like rock'' or" Rock songs don't do well in ESC"
It's completely wrong.
We've had a winner and runner-up and some good results. It depends always if the song is qualitative or not.


Well-known member
April 30, 2014
A bit irrelevant to the song or the staging, but everyone seems so thirsty for the lead singer…Am I the only one not liking the f…boy vibes? (Still loving song and staging and would love to see it a winner, no hatrid please!)


Well-known member
March 16, 2020
I liked the (white) suits and hoped that they would wear them. It makes them look classy and even more rebellious at the same time. I think that contrast works really wel. I could also see it having a little impact on juries. The agressive no shirt concert-vibes might put off some jurors.

But I can understand girls and gays like him without the shirt. I might be straight, but I can still see that Damiano is good looking and has a lot of charisma. But I just don't think that for the final result this is the best thing to do. But maybe they just don't care that much (and that is also charming in a way).


December 28, 2009
I liked the (white) suits and hoped that they would wear them. It makes them look classy and even more rebellious at the same time. I think that contrast works really wel. I could also see it having a little impact on juries. The agressive no shirt concert-vibes might put off some jurors.

But I can understand girls and gays like him without the shirt. I might be straight, but I can still see that Damiano is good looking and has a lot of charisma. But I just don't think that for the final result this is the best thing to do. But maybe they just don't care that much (and that is also charming in a way).

I also prefer the white suits tbh, and I'm gay and no the guys here do nothing for me :lol:

In fact the lady of the band is way more intriguing.
April 10, 2021
A bit irrelevant to the song or the staging, but everyone seems so thirsty for the lead singer… Am I the only one not liking the f… boy vibes? (Still loving song and staging and would love to see it a winner, no hatrid please!)

Straight female here, and to me Damiano is not hot.

I could say many bad things about his facial bone structure that I dislike. And his hair and forehead.

The drummer is hot and he will be even hotter when he gets older, a baby now.

I stan Damiano for charisma and raw vocal, and especially for the lyrics. The lyrica are "older" than him.

The rockers don't mind the nude. There's a special message of nudity in rock.

The first God of Rock who went out naked on stage 70's and stayed naked on every concert till life, even when he turned almost 70 haha.

Ladies and gentlemen The Stooges

See Dr. Oz and Hillary Clinton worshipping there in the front row hahahah
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