Evroposlanec Matjaž Nemec, ki je bil tik pred iztekom svojega prejšnjega mandata med podpisniki poziva Evropski radiodifuzni zvezi, naj izraelski predstavnici ne dovoli nastopiti na letošnjem tekmovanju, se je v Bruslju srečal s predstavniki EBU-ja.
A Slovene member of the EU parliament is planning to debate Israeli participation in the EU parliament and will also have a meeting with the EBU himself. He said:
"In the months leading up to Eurovision 2025, I will call for a debate at the level of the European Parliament on the responsibility of the EBU"
"My disappointment with the EBU and its decision is great. I gave the representatives of the EBU so clearly my expectations and, I believe, the expectations of millions of Europeans. It is completely unacceptable for Eurovision to turn into political propaganda of those who deny the fundamentals of civilization postulates and remain silent in the face of a gross violation of international law," stated the MEP. "Therefore, in the months before Eurovision 2025, I will call for a debate at the level of the European Parliament on the EBU's responsibility in making political decisions that conflict with fundamental values of the EU."
"With its latest decisions, the EBU has not only violated the exceptional tradition of Eurovision, but it is a legitimate act that the EU should have shown them a red card a long time ago, but it did not do so, with red exceptions," he concluded.