I'm not going to lie... I initially hesitated for a few minutes to post my opinion but I strongly and wholeheartedly believe that it's a brilliant ESC entry.
I had to give it a

. Musically, I think it could end up in my Top 3 or Top 5 (depending on what France/Cyprus are about to serve us).
When it comes to the arrangement, I think it's absolutely phenomenal. We've got some calm piano riffs, beautiful strings and those bells - everything sounds more powerful and divine with bells (it's just my preference).
Yuval's voice is phenomenal as well. I think I even prefer it to Eden's. Eden might have been more powerful but Yuval's timbre makes up for it... and when she's getting Louder it partly sounds a bit raspy.
The part in Hebrew was very impactful. I wish it was longer.... I loved the outro as well.
It's the perfect mix of cheesy, emotions and drama, imo, + the rich and well-thought arrangement, the French verse and the Hebre Middle 8 round everything up to make it a very competitive and strong ESC entry.
It's not "vocally on your nose like Eden" but the overall song is more up my alley - and it will totally outshine some of the loud, fun, cheeky entries in the Grand Final.
Do I want to see Israel win? - No, because of politics, safety, the overall situation.
But it's a very strong entry.
Probably my favourite Israeli entry since 2013 (still unhappy it flopped).