France should protect muslims who want to wear a veil, France shouldn't murder Libyan muslims

And don't say that gays aren't attacked in France.
For me it sounds like a total xenophobic bs against 1 country.
Let's take 1 country and rememebr EVERYTHING negative we know about it.
Nobody jumps at you and orders what to do in your own home

So why being so negative against Azeri nation which doesn't mind such government? When they are ready to change their laws they will do this, but it's their laws - not yours.
But when did i said gays people weren't sometimes discrimated in France?
I said what i said in general, read my post again. It's just people said things that i think shouldn't be said on the Azerbaijan 2012 topic, my reaction would've been the same no matter what the country would be
But as you attacked me on France let me tell you this.
For Muslim women, the only main concern was about more and more women wearing a Burqa and not showing even 1/20 of their face and body, which people here thinks is a bad thing for the image of the women and for security concern as you can identify someone who is under it.
The law forbid EVERYONE, to wear religious sign, Veils but also Cross or Kippas in ONLY public places which means City Halls and Schools.You can wear religious signs everywhere else,
That's because France, like Turkey for example has the 'laicité' in his constitution.
It's only the foreign media choice to criticize the law as against Muslim and to emphasizes French problems with it's muslims community.
As for the intervention in Libye, when was the referendum to ask french people if they were ok or supporting it already? So as i said in my previous post let's make a difference between france 's government and the french people!
And please don't say incredible naive things like people choose the government so they have the right to not protect gays people. It's a lie people vote for a governement because of their plans for the economy and the country, not because they promise to protect or not to protect anyone.
I think every government, the Azeri one include should protect at any cost every citizen who has the nationality of their country, whateven their religions, sexual preferences are.
People choose the government - if they don't wanna protect gays, let it be so.
To say any government can do what he wants to his citizens or persecute them because it's elected is an ABOMINATION! (but please not my Azeris friends that i'm saying that in general and not that's what Azerbaijan's government is doing in particular

Since the beggining i'm saying i wish to go to Baku 2012 and that will be my first eurovision. I want to discover Azeri's culture for a long time and i'm smart enough to make the difference between Azerbaijan and it's people as a country and their governement!
I' m just saying that if indeed the freendom of speech and the gay discrimination is a problem with that government, then things should improve and that mainly for the Azeris