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How sounds this language?


December 11, 2010
body in Bulgaria, heart in Greece (^_^)
you german guys why don't u have any rules in your language exceptions...exceptions..exceptions :(

Actually german is a very tidy language, You know, "Ordnung muss sein" ;)
I think english is actually a messier language then german. At least in german one letter is only 1 sound and not...3 :twisted:
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Well-known member
May 22, 2010
@Adam: I listened to what Oldham accent sounded like on youtube. I totally couldn't see you with that accent!!!
Yup mine's like this guy's, isnt it awful! :lol:

Also this guys accent is from further North than me but the way he pronounces the words is the same :D

You say there are two accents in California, at first I thought omg why but then I realised it'll be cuz of how big California is. The only American accent's Im not keen on are from like the Mid-West, is it? They're a bit too strong for me but Californian is cool ;). I know it from the film stars, Jake Gyllenhaal's is lovely :p.
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Well-known member
February 26, 2011
Actually german is a very tidy language, You know, "Ordnung muss sein" ;)
I think english is actually a messier language then german. At least in german one letter is only 1 sound and not...3 :twisted:

Yes, Ordnung muss sein :p
But we have 3 letters which are just 1 :eek: "Sch..." :p


December 11, 2010
body in Bulgaria, heart in Greece (^_^)
Yes, Ordnung muss sein :p
But we have 3 letters which are just 1 :eek: "Sch..." :p

What about tsch ;)

We have a single letters for both sounds ш & ч ;)

I studied german in high school, but i started to forget it, cause i didn`t spoke it for more then 3-4 years. Now I try to speak again, cause in 2 years i`ll study in Germany ;)


Well-known member
December 23, 2010
Westchester - Los Angeles
@Adam: The first one is the video that I saw!! I always imagine people in the UK to speak in either the Estuary, Cockney, or Scots accent. I ALWAYS imagined that you had an accent similar to Catherine Tate's. Yeah, we have two regional accents in California. The differences are really subtle though, it's mostly in the vocab and in the intonation. We have a lot of rising and falling intonations, but NorCal accent has a more continuously flat intonation; the differences are only really noticeable when you listen carefully.

Mid-West accent is a bit twangy, but not as twangy as the Southern accent or the Texan accent. I had a teacher in high school who had a Southern accent, I could barely understand her!

Here's how I sound, I sound so much like her (except I'm a guy :lol:), she goes to my university.



Well-known member
May 22, 2010
@Adam: The first one is the video that I saw!! I always imagine people in the UK to speak in either the Estuary, Cockney, or Scots accent. I ALWAYS imagined that you had an accent similar to Catherine Tate's. Yeah, we have two regional accents in California. The differences are really subtle though, it's mostly in the vocab and in the intonation. We have a lot of rising and falling intonations, but NorCal accent has a more continuously flat intonation; the differences are only really noticeable when you listen carefully.

Mid-West accent is a bit twangy, but not as twangy as the Southern accent or the Texan accent. I had a teacher in high school who had a Southern accent, I could barely understand her!

Here's how I sound, I sound so much like her (except I'm a guy :lol:), she goes to my university.
Yeh I know, everyone always presumes because you're British you either speak like you're from LANDAN or really posh like you have tea at 5 :lol:. But no, unfortunately I have one of the worst regional accents here, on some people it sounds okay but I dont think it suits me but Im stuck with it unless I move somewhere else for many years :lol:.
Yep southern American accent isnt too good, but I like George W Bush's voice, but like the accents from the ranches Im not keen on (omg that's such a stereotype!! xrollinglol). If you talk like her then your voice is lovely!! :D (she's really funny also! xD) They always say that New Yorkers have a very distinctive accent but I've not noticed it much, whenever I come to the US of A in the future I will see if I can distinguish it ;).


Active member
May 19, 2011
OMG that girl is hilarious!!! I love her :D


Well-known member
December 23, 2010
Westchester - Los Angeles
Yeh I know, everyone always presumes because you're British you either speak like you're from LANDAN or really posh like you have tea at 5 :lol:. But no, unfortunately I have one of the worst regional accents here, on some people it sounds okay but I dont think it suits me but Im stuck with it unless I move somewhere else for many years :lol:.
Yep southern American accent isnt too good, but I like George W Bush's voice, but like the accents from the ranches Im not keen on (omg that's such a stereotype!! xrollinglol). If you talk like her then your voice is lovely!! :D (she's really funny also! xD) They always say that New Yorkers have a very distinctive accent but I've not noticed it much, whenever I come to the US of A in the future I will see if I can distinguish it ;).

BBBBBBBUT! Don't all British people have tea at 5?!? ;) :lol:
Your accent doesn't sound horrible, but I just can't see you with it!!
I think the New England accent would fit you well among the American accents! It's just soooo you! :D :D :D

There's that view of people even from Americans about Southern and Mid-West accents. Most of Californians think that the Mid-West is nothing but cornfields, and it's where maw and paw just live by themselves drinking cawfee on the porch saying "it's good to have land." The South is another story ;). We have horrible stereotypes :lol:, we're mean us Californians.

New York accent is a bit different, it's because they eat so much hotdogs and Pizza in that region. :lol:

A way to tell young Californians apart from other young Americans:
- we shorten words: Obvious(ly) to obvi; ridiculous to ridic; legitimate to legit; awkward to awk; etc.
- we use "like", "totally", "rad", "ballin'"", "hella" (especially in Northern parts), " no/yeah way" waaaaaay too much

Thanks!! I might post a video of myself ranting about random things or touring my town one of these days, So you can hear my actual voice and my actual accent :)

She's ridic funny. I've watched her videos even before seeing her in person during my Univ orientation. I was so STARSTRUCK when I saw her. I was literally shaking left and right my friend who was with me during the orientation.


Well-known member
May 31, 2011
I like French. It sounds a bit as it would have been created by the upper nobility. :D


Well-known member
February 26, 2011
French sounds soft and many sentences sounds like one big row. The whole language sounds like you would hold ones nose, and there is many "ch" and "kr" :p
But I like french very much and I learn it in school. Francais est très bien! =)


Active member
March 6, 2010
Istanbul, Turkiye
I don't know French. I just know simple things such as salut, je m'apelle.... and 'comment allez vous?' :D but I can listen to someone speaking French forever ;) I adore that language =)) to me, it sounds like a song xmusic


Well-known member
December 23, 2010
Westchester - Los Angeles
I love French and everything French, it's one of my passions.

The language is lovely and like Kicker said, it sounds like 1 string of word, it's so beautiful and fun to speak. I have a few favorite words just because they're so fun to say!
"Pantoufle", "caoutchouc", "semblable", "shampooing". I love those words :D


Well-known member
February 26, 2011
When I made the exchange with France, I loved "très, très, très sympa" 'cause of the "tr tr tr" XD
We went to a parc and there was a woman which said "Tout tout tout" :D - I loved it XD
A very funny word is "bientôt" - bien means good in english french and "tot" means "dead" in german. So, we always say: Good death =)
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Active member
February 3, 2011
Bodegraven, Netherlands
I like French, it sounds very soft and the French speak, as we say in Dutch, through their noise. :) German I don't find hard to speak really, because it's very similar to Dutch. although I would probably make a million grammar mistakes, I guess they would still get the message. It was quite funny, I had an exchange program in the past with a German school and we could understand what they were talking about if they spoke in German, but it wasn't that way vice versa. :)
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