lol @ gas stealers.
it's NOT profitable for us at all, we would lose Russian gas and European contract as for transit so it makes no sense for any person with logic. Ukraine has the 3rd powerful transitional system in the world. The loss would be huge.
In any case Ukraine sued Gazprom and when it lost support on the West they
"suddenly" became our best friend after that (even Russian officials faced that it was political crapfest before our elections in order to set up Yushchenko & Tymosenko). We saw Putin kissing, hugging and gigglng with Tymoshenko and talking like they are the best friends
Ukraine is not Latvia or Belarus, it's impossible to control us so much and change/abolish existing contracts whenever Gazprom wants + they shot themselves in the foot (they lost at least 20 billion euros because of losing us that year - Ukraine is the biggest consumer of the Russian gas
The new government surprisingly expressed their desire to decrease dependency of Russian gas - we signed contracts with other countries, we started renovating technologies on factories so Gazprom is even interested in good relationships now. As a result of that scandal - we increased the amount of our own gas, alternative sources, innovations etc and in the end we've got the least level of consuming of Russian gas during last 20 (!) years.
The moral to the story: instead of throwing crap and dividing countries better search for the ways how to collaborate. Right now Russia & Ukraine work together and I see more respect from the Russian side.
Instead of calling all Ukrainian a thieves (I heard that myself) Russian channels shoot promotional commercials about my country now.