Well, might as well say my peace about this one before I forget; so, firstly, the music video has a minuet of credits, seriously, why? Secondly, I prefer the Greek entry from last year and I am still shocked it didn't do as well as I feel it really deserved.
So, on to this. Look, I don't hate it, but I feel that it is perfectly fine. I feel its stuck between being a decent (even if not my cup of tea) modern pop song and a more typical Eurovision pop entry; the verses are great, the chorus and how its sung and the music there just feels dated in comparison to everything else, not offensively so but it does take something out of the song for me.
The instrumental sections have a lot of potential to be the home to some really great staging and performing moments, though I do worry that it will just end up being the singer and her backing singers dancing when personally I'd rather that she did something 'super'.
If I am to be critical, possibly harshly so, I was done with this after two minuets, if that. Granted that is partly because this isn't my kind of music.
I am fairly certain this will make it to the finals and I hope that the staging will be as electrifying as I hope and if it is, well I'll certainly bump my score up. But for the time being its a 5, but, with decent staging at the contest I can see this jumping to a 7 (or even higher).