At first I gave a 5, now it's a 8 on the verge of becoming a 10. I'm in love with her voice... and the verses
I have no ideo how this will be staged, I like the music video but I guess it won't go the same way in TA.
The song is soo good. I feel really proud for my country. Greece has never sent something like this. 9th place on odds isn't bad at all especially when it's placed above KEiiNO. I hope we do well this year
The song has been on repeat for an hour now
It is amazing
If I don't watch the music video, I imagine her in a beautiful meadow somewhere which made me think of staging ideas for this entry...
All the best, Greece
It's one of the better mainstream songs this year, but I am not listening too much to this, to be honest. But I adore her voice, one of the best. Hope she brings it live.
This entry fascinates me to be honest. I don't think I've ever been this obsessed with a song I care this little about on a fundamental level. The composition is average, with no real highs or lows. Yet I keep coming back to it because the combination of her voice + that chorus + that bridge is too infectuous to ignore. It's almost filthy in its catchiness.