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Active member
October 9, 2009
Name: Annika
Nickname: Anni, Kay, Ania, Anjeza (:lol:)

Country: :fr: by heart, :de: by passport ;)
Profession: student
Languages: German (obviously), English, French, poor Polish and Spanish

Three fears: snakes, mice, spiders
Three things you dislike: maths, winter, time without ESC
Three things you like: ESC (:mrgreen:), cats, summer

Favourite movie: only one? I go with "Pride and Prejudice" then
Favourite food: pizza
Favourite drink: coffee

First Eurovision memory: :uk: winning in 1997
Favourite Eurovision song: again, only one? :lol: :lv: 2000 Brainstorm - My star

Eurovisions visited: Vienna 2015 xdance xhbang
Eurovision 2015 expectations: a great show from Austria and a close race for the victory
Eurovision 2015 favourite entry: :au: (who expected this? :lol:)

Other you would like to say: I looooooooooove being a member of the forum xlove And Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker! :lol:


Active member
March 15, 2015
Name: Benjamin
Nickname: Benji, Benj

Country: Belgium :be:
Profession: Student
Languages: Dutch, English, bit French and very little bit German

Three fears: Snakes, Death and euhm Pigeons?
Three things you dislike: Getting up early, Piercings and Raisins
Three things you like: Drinking Games, Skittles and Festivals

Favourite movie: The Lion King
Favourite food: Pasta with Seafood
Favourite drink: Mojito and Vitamin-water

First Eurovision memory: The contest of 2002 with Sergio from Belgium and the winning disaster Maria N (Although as a kid I liked the dressthing)
Favourite Eurovision song: Euphoria like duh :se:

Eurovisions visited: No :'(
Eurovision 2015 expectations: Not the best year in general, but I like my own entry (do not often happens ;)) and I hope for an exciting race!
Eurovision 2015 favourite entry: Some others are growing on me but I still have to say Slovenia :sl:

Other you would like to say: I'm secretly worrying what I have to do when the miracle happens and Belgium wins, I absolutely need to go to the contest than but none of my friends like Eurovision as I do :'(


Active member
April 15, 2010
Name: Arvid
Nickname: Arv, Arvy

Country: :se:
Profession: Student, soon Architect
Languages: Swedish, English fluently. German... Ich bin ein Kartoffelsalat. Or something?

Three fears: Snakes, spiders, loneliness
Three things you dislike: rain, cancer, cheaters
Three things you like: games/sports, music, coffeeeeeee

Favourite movie: I rymden finns inga känslor or Neverending Story
Favourite food: Sushi or Carpaccio
Favourite drink: Guess....?

First Eurovision memory: the Battle between :is: and :se: in 99', and then watching the voting over and over on the VHS as my favorite movie (neverending story) was recorded over it (shame!).
Favourite Eurovision song: :be: 2003 - Sanomi

Eurovisions visited: 0. Had tickets for 2007 but got ill.
Eurovision 2015 expectations: A close call between two or more countries. Maybe :au::it::ru: (and possibly :se:)
Eurovision 2015 favourite entry: :lv: but it's probably too original for Eurovision. :mk: is another awesome entry

Other you would like to say: ​Life is too short to take it seriously.


Well-known member
April 12, 2012
Somewhere in the middle of nowhere... XD
Name: João
Nickname: Jonas, Johnny

Country: :pt:
Profession: Pharmacist (yes, I'm a legal drug dealer! :cool: )
Languages: Portuguese, English and some Spanish and French

Three fears: Water snakes, dark places, die to soon
Three things you dislike: Cotton (do you know the feeling when someone scratch their nails in a chalkboard, thats what I feel when you push a piece of cotton apart...), Fake people, Indian Food
Three things you like: Music!!, TV Series, Science

Favourite movie: Probably The Lord of The Rings Series... Mostly the Pelennor Fields Battle in The Return of the Rings (EPIC!!) and the soundtrack
Favourite food: Italian and a good portuguese Codfish!
Favourite drink: Simply water or some Iced Tea...

First Eurovision memory: 1993 (I was only 3-4 years old) I remember some pieces of live performance of our entry (Anabela - Cidade até ser dia)
Favourite Eurovision song: :rs: 2008 Oro - Jelena Tomasevic xheartxheartxheartxheartxheart

Eurovisions visited: 0. When it comes to Lisbon (never gonna happen) I will!
Eurovision 2015 expectations: Average show, a race between :ee:, :it: and :se: for the win with :it: winning
Eurovision 2015 favourite entry: :it: I love the theatricality of the song. I also really like :ee:, :se:, :am: and :de:
Other you would like to say: ​If either :be: of :lv: wins... I might break something at home...


March 3, 2013
Name: Željko
Nickname: None

Country: Serbia
Profession: Student
Languages: Serbian, English

Three fears: Nothing major, but I guess Im not crazy for having snakes near me
Three things you dislike: Winter, Being sick, Drudgery
Three things you like: Sun, Travelling, Sports

Favourite movie: None
Favourite food: Gyros
Favourite drink: Strawberry smoothie/ Pineapple Juice

First Eurovision memory: Recording the ESC 2005 final on a tape

Favourite Eurovision song: The Common Linnets - Calm After The Storm

Eurovisions visited: None
Eurovision 2015 expectations: May the best song win! xD
Eurovision 2015 favourite entry::sl:

Other you would like to say: I pressume none reads this.


Well-known member
February 17, 2011
Thanks for this nice thread, I enjoy reading your posts very much!
Here's my little contribution:

Name: Thomas
Nickname: none

Country: Germany
Profession: Teacher
Languages: German, English, little French

Three fears: uncurable diseases,... (have to think about that a little more...)
Three things you dislike: tobacco smoke, violence, social inequality
Three things you like: Star Trek, many types of music, and globally of course: peace

Favourite movie: Schindler's List (you cannot "love" this movie and it makes me weep every time, but it is the best and most important movie ever made)
Favourite food: pasta
Favourite drink: orange juice

First Eurovision memory: Nicole winning 1982 with "Ein bisschen Frieden"
Favourite Eurovision song: Lena "Satellite" (May 29th 2010, one of the most memorable evenings of my life. I was personally in a bad mood those days but ESC lifted me up.)

Eurovisions visited: none
Eurovision 2015 expectations: Sweden will win (they have the ability to "program" the ESC victory like they did in 2012), and my own country will fail miserably for the third time in a row
Eurovision 2015 favourite entry: Maraaya "Here For You" (would make me happy if little Slovenia would win for the very first time)

Other you would like to say:
Since 2010 I have become a very "intense follower" of the ESC. I watch all those youtube-videos, buy the ESC album, listen to all entries again and again to make up my mind about favourites. Thanks to all the people here in the forum sharing their opinion, I enjoy the discussions very much.


March 1, 2015
Name: Karl
Nickname: None

Country: Estonia
Profession: High school student, will graduate this year
Languages: Estonian, English, can speak Russian and Finnish too

Three fears: I think I only fear spiders :mrgreen:
Three things you dislike: arrogance, alcohol (I dont drink alcohol at all) , people who are not on time
Three things you like: Football, Formula 1, gym

Favourite movie: Bad Boys with Will Smith and Martin Lawrence has been my favourite since childhood, also Mr Bean episodes
Favourite food: hard question that, spaghetti probably
Favourite drink: Nestea or tomato juice

First Eurovision memory: I remember my family celebrating when we won in 2001, I was 6 years old. :cool:
Favourite Eurovision song: Bosnia 2009 is my absolute favourite, I also love Turkey 2010, Bosnia 2011, Albania 2012 and Finland 2006

Eurovisions visited: None
Eurovision 2015 expectations: Good result for my country, a tight race for victory with Sweden probably winning
Eurovision 2015 favourite entry: Norway by a country mile, simply stunning

Other you would like to say: I am so happy I discovered this forum, I hope the next 2 weeks will be great for Eurovision fans. ;)
SLAY :no:


Active member
January 30, 2012
Name: Terence
Nickname: Terry

Country: Malta
Profession: survey interviewer
Languages: Maltese, English, Italian, French

Three fears: heights, cockroaches, fire
Three things you dislike: cockroaches, double-faced people, excessive dry & hot summer in Malta
Three things you like: coffee, music, spas :p

Favourite movie: Ben Hur, Kill Bill
Favourite food: pizza
Favourite drink: Jack D, and coffee of course

First Eurovision memory: Malta coming back and scoring well the next year
Favourite Eurovision song: Poupee de Cire, Poupee de Son

Eurovisions visited: NIL :(
Eurovision 2015 expectations: Sweden not winning!
Eurovision 2015 favourite entry: Il Volo - Grande Amore

Other you would like to say: I can thank you in advance for all the updates from Vienna - keep in mind that no post/update will be unnoticed ;) May the best song win (as if that ever happens)


May 12, 2011
Name: Christina
Nickname: Chris

Country: Germany
Profession: Office adminstrator
Languages: German, English (fluent), French (basic), a little Norwegian & Italian

Three fears: dentist, heights, flying
Three things you dislike: unpunctuality, selfishness, humourless people
Three things you like: delicious food, spring, Scandinavia

Favourite movie: Lord of the Rings, The Matrix, Van Helsing, Jurassic Park, Equilibrium... (too many to list)
Favourite food: Italian
Favourite drink: Coke Zero, Gin Tonic, Aperol spritz, Snakebite

First Eurovision memory: Sandra Kim winning in 1986 - my first Eurovision on TV but I was only 7, so my mum didn't allow me to watch the voting as it was too late to stay up. My mum told me about her being the winner the next morning and about her age, that she was too young actually.

Favourite Eurovision song: Too many. Including Fairytale - Alexander Rybak // Dino Merlin - Love in rewind // Jonsi & Greta - Never forget // both Johnny Logan Songs // almost every German entry in the 80s // Severine - Un Banc, Un Arbre, Un Rue // BucksFizz - Making your mind up // Vicky Leandros - Aprés toi // Nocturne - Secret Garden // Eric Saade - Popular // Lordi - Hard Rock Halleluja

Eurovisions visited: none, unfortunately.
Eurovision 2015 expectations: modern vintage ;-)
Eurovision 2015 favourite entry: FYR Macedonia, Czech Republic

Other you would like to say: Europe, start voting now! (I always wanted to say that! :lol:)


Active member
February 17, 2014
Name: George
Nickname: G

Country: UK - England
Profession: Full time Barista ;)
Languages: English, Swedish - Little bits of Danish, Estonian and Russian.

Three fears: Rats, heights and the past.
Three things you dislike: Long shifts, feeling hungry and ignorant people.
Three things you like: Playing sports, travelling the world and eating pastries.

Favourite movie: The Gladiator
Favourite food: Spaghetti Bolognese
Favourite drink: Cola - I drink so much it's incredible

First Eurovision memory: I can't really remember my first memory ... But I felt so much excitement and passion when Marija won with Molitva. That song was incredible for me. Opened up a whole new level of Eurovision love

Eurovisions visited: No. Damn.
Eurovision 2015 expectations: I'd like a contest that doesn't have a clear, out and out winner. Excitement.
Eurovision 2015 favourite entry: Estonia. By a large margin.

Other you would like to say: Who made this question


March 17, 2015
Name: Starts with an Y
Nickname: Don´t have one.

Country: Norway :no:
Profession: Student
Languages: Norwegian, English and a little German.

Three fears: Bugs, being locked in and snakes.
Three things you dislike: Negative people, talk to an audience and rude people
Three things you like: Summer, music and rain

Favourite movie: Right now: Big Hero 6 (Sooo cute)
Favourite food: Tikka Masala & Pizza
Favourite drink: Hot Chocolate

First Eurovision memory: I´ve always watched the eurovision as long as I can remember...but my strongest memory is probably from 2007. My parents was on holiday and I was with my grandmother and we watched it together. As far as I can remember, she complained about most of the entries, but we had a great time together.
Favourite Eurovision song: I can´t just pick one.

Eurovisions visited: None.
Eurovision 2015 expectations: A great final and an exciting voting
Eurovision 2015 favourite entry: My number 1 is Norway. That´s a first, really. But my other favorites this year are :al:, :at:, :be:, :me:

Other you would like to say: Let´s celebrate ESC 2015!!! Wohooo!


May 17, 2015
Name: It begins with E but I don't want to say the whole name.
Nickname: None really

Country: USA
Profession: College Student
Languages: English, Spanish, some French, some Mandarin (need to perfect all of them except English though)

Three Fears: Bugs, anything that looks like a bug but isn't, heights
Three Things I Dislike: bad attitudes, injustice, and hatred/petty arguing
Three Things I Like: Winter/Christmas, good music/singing, good films/acting

Favorite Movie: Not quite sure, I like so many of them
Favorite Food: Chicken or pizza
Favorite Drink: Hmm, not sure, maybe Minute Maid Fruit Punch or some good orange juice

Favorite Eurovision Memory: I technically don't have one because ,although I heard all the songs last year, this is my first year actually following the contest.
Favorite Eurovision Song: Not quite sure but it's probably one from this year

Eurovisions Visited: None
Eurovision 2015 Expectations: An exciting, memorable, competitive final with no obvious frontrunner (unless it is one of my favorites lol) and of course, a worthy winner.

Eurovision 2015 Favorite Entry: My current top 5 are Australia, Slovenia, Austria, Italy, and Lithuania. Australia is probably my favorite.

Other I'd Like To Say: May the best song win, or at least a good one. I'm happy to be here and to be following this contest :)


Well-known member
February 24, 2010
Country: Greece :gr:
Profession: Chef
Languages: Greek, English

Three fears: Snakes, Earthquakes, drowning :lol:
Three things you dislike: Politics, pessimism, ''some people knows everything''
Three things you like: Music, food, travel

Favourite movie: The Lord of the Rings.
Favourite food: Steak with potatoes or chicken or pasta.
Favourite drink: Fredo Espresso (cold coffee)

First Eurovision memory: Eurovision 2002!
Favourite Eurovision song: Not just one. Greece 2005, Iceland 2009, Azerbaijan 2009.

Eurovisions visited: None.
Eurovision 2015 expectations: A surprise winner!
Eurovision 2015 favourite entry: Belgium and Sweden.

Other you would like to say: Let the best win! :cool:


Well-known member
January 18, 2010
Linköping, Sweden


Active member
February 17, 2014

May I ask what your favourite coffee is? :)


Well-known member
January 18, 2010
Linköping, Sweden
May I ask what your favourite coffee is? :)

Almost all kind! :p The least favorite is brewed coffee I think. But my favorite would be cappuccino during cold days and cappuccino freddo during summer. Favorite (and for me the best!) espresso is Illy. I also like Lavazza.

If I am at home I prefer Nes. That's how we call it in Greece. Basically is Nescafe but we don't just add hot water and stir. We put the coffee, sugar and a little hot water and we stir it with a coffee mixer until you get foam. Then you add the rest of hot water and milk (if you want). It looks like this And during summer it's frappe. Same procedure as "Nes" but you add cold water and ice. :)


Well-known member
February 7, 2013


Active member
February 17, 2014
Almost all kind! :p The least favorite is brewed coffee I think. But my favorite would be cappuccino during cold days and cappuccino freddo during summer. Favorite (and for me the best!) espresso is Illy. I also like Lavazza.

If I am at home I prefer Nes. That's how we call it in Greece. Basically is Nescafe but we don't just add hot water and stir. We put the coffee, sugar and a little hot water and we stir it with a coffee mixer until you get foam. Then you add the rest of hot water and milk (if you want). It looks like this And during summer it's frappe. Same procedure as "Nes" but you add cold water and ice. :)

That's great! I work in a coffee shop and I make so many cappuccinos and espressos every day. Maybe you'd like mine too :) that instant Nescafé looks yum! I will try it like that
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