I just re-watched Taken by a stranger. This was by far the best and most epic performance of a host country in recent Eurovision history. The song and the performance give me life! And it was one of the few acts that made the stage look glorious to me.
Lena just became a mother! According to our biggest newspaper, she got a son!
Lena Meyer-Landrut ist zum ersten Mal Mutter geworden
Eine wunderbare Nachricht für das Paar, ihre Familien und auch die Fans: Musikerin und ESC-Gewinnerin Lena Meyer-Landrut und Mark Forster sind zum ersten Mal Eltern geworden.m.focus.de
I just re-watched Taken by a stranger. This was by far the best and most epic performance of a host country in recent Eurovision history. The song and the performance give me life! And it was one of the few acts that made the stage look glorious to me.
And I finally spanked the monkey for the first time since 1993I just re-watched Taken by a stranger. This was by far the best and most epic performance of a host country in recent Eurovision history. The song and the performance give me life! And it was one of the few acts that made the stage look glorious to me.
I just re-watched Taken by a stranger. This was by far the best and most epic performance of a host country in recent Eurovision history. The song and the performance give me life! And it was one of the few acts that made the stage look glorious to me.
And I finally spanked the monkey for the first time since 1993I just re-watched Taken by a stranger. This was by far the best and most epic performance of a host country in recent Eurovision history. The song and the performance give me life! And it was one of the few acts that made the stage look glorious to me.