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Re: საქართველო - Georgia 2011
There are rumors that Dato can represent Georgia. But I don't believe it very much.
There are rumors that Dato can represent Georgia. But I don't believe it very much.
There are rumors that Dato can represent Georgia. But I don't believe it very much.
If she does enter with a song like this, she'd put the audience to sleep.
Too ethnic/folk for my taste and I doubt something like this would appeal to Europe.
I beg to differ. The more countries sending entries with the only aim to "appeal to Europe", the more entries like these will bee seen as unique and interesting and it'll pay-off.
It's haunting and mystic, not your everyday ballad. The Balkan ballads appealed to Europe, so why not this? This is not too far from that. Now, this song is just one example of her offcourse, she's got uptempo stuff aswell.
As far as I'm concerned she's one of the biggest singers in Georgia. Someone from Georgia could correct me if I'm wrong.
Um... the whole point of Eurovision is to compete so the goal should be to find a song that appeals to Europe. The Georgian song can have ethnic influence but I don't see a plain old boring folk song having any impact in Europe.
To me it's just a long sleeping pill. This is very far from the Balkan ballads and the Balkan ballads are usually very calculated in their progression and they have a hook. This is just blah.
She may be the most famous singer in Georgia but fame means nothing when it comes to ESC.
Well, nothing says her entry would sound just like that example, it was still just an example and nothing else.
I disagree that the whole goal is only to find a song that appeals to all Europe, afterall this contest is made up by countries competing and the entries represents the countries aswell, and this makes up one of the main ideas of the contest and should not be overlooked.
But don't you think alot what makes Eurovision unique though gets lost on the way if every country only thinks of sending something that appeals to all Europe? Eventually it would just end with English Americanized songs, because that's what most people can recognize.
The fame thing was not an argument to send her, I know very well it means nothing in Eurovision.
Yup it is an example. Though an example of what she's known for doing so that is what she'll be judged on for now in terms of ESC participation. Eurovision is a competition. At the end of the day it all boils down to who won. Sure it is a great place to showcase culture and tradition, but at the same time these songs are competing and they have to select something that will be noticed.
I'm not really speaking against Georgia sending an ethnic song, if that's what they want to do, then they should do it. However, in my opinion, I don't see a song like this achieving much. I think of ESC as the wrong place to go all out folk and tradition (songs that contain elements are fine). It's an entertainment show so the countries should aim to send something that appeals to the public.
The 2nd one is absolutely amazing!
I think Eurovision is a scene for everything and I like the diversity; from the most local sounding folk song to something completely different.
Oh, I think that's her only music video, that's why I posted it. I haven't seen any other video by her.
To be honest, we are both right. It's just that Eurovision is a coin with two sides, and I think the contest needs to balance with representing countries and appealing to all Europe, if on takes over the other I think it'll be a sad day for all Eurovision fans really.
I can definitely agree on that. There is a balance and it's lovely that way. I support diversity at ESC too, its just these hardcore ethnic songs don't appeal to my taste and I don't think they will be successful.