English or Macedonian won’t make a difference.
Average is what best describes this song. It needs a something more but i'm not sure what it can be.
Tijana has a really deep voice and i think she's looks fierce!
I really like this surprisingly But they should go with the English version... it just fits...
Reminds me a little bit of Slovenia's entry last year but without the dubstep bits obviously. Think it's been a while since I enjoyed a Macedonian entry this much
This is growing on me too. I'm loving her attitude!
As I said I prefer it in Macedonian myself. But 90% of comments on twitter, YT, FB is pro English version.
Wrong, I think many people are sick and tired of just listening to English...
Macedonian it has to be! It's called EUROvision for a reason... people wanting something else can tune in MTV instead
Wait until May, cause this is nothing. She's one hell of a performer and regarding stage presence or vocals, that will be the least of my concerns, because she is great in that department!! And I'm sure you'll enjoy her interviews as well.This literally is the funniest entry of the year for me. I can't stop watching the video. The song is so plain and cookie cutter but Tijana Dapčević is incredibly entertaining to watch She really gives it
It will be in English. Most Macedonians are opting for that one and even Tijana said so.
Wait until May, cause this is nothing. She's one hell of a performer and regarding stage presence or vocals, that will be the least of my concerns, because she is great in that department!! And I'm sure you'll enjoy her interviews as well.
This is growing on me too. I'm loving her attitude!