@Stella: The presidents' English wasn't bad I could totally understand them and they sound super educated
I like how Iliescu said Rrrrrrrrrromania
@Seb: Uhhhhhh, Europe is just one big country for Uhhhmericans . It's such a shame us Americans don't know much about the countries over on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.
very well-known video about a dumbаss blonde american girl
I thought France was a country.
But even the host is as fuсking stupid as hell because it's not Hungry but HungAry.
Whatever When I was in the USA, I saw another blonde (in that same game) with a small puppy dressed up in a tuxedo and he was supposed to be running for presidency. She was shaking him all the time in all the directions during her game. I was glad he didn't die at the end.
omg,I just found this...watch it all....it's from a contest from tv....she is CRAZY I didn't laugh so hard in ages...ps-the Romanian thing she is saying :I want the telephone to ring!!!!!!!!" =)) She's like from a scary movie...
I found one from Hungary-please be nice while comparing an anynomous singer like this Dion or Celine (whatever) with this great singer of all times...Both were put together to show his wonderful voice