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FSC Spin-Off - Theme suggestions

Marcos C

Well-known member
June 20, 2023
US / Marcobia
Since the war has begun I don't have time for spinoffs, but I'm very here if you make "The 2nd chance spinoff" or "The Best Of: Rejects" for the songs we originaly intended to send for FSC but they exceeded the deadline or didn't meet the rules.

I bet a lot of people here feel sorry they couldn't submit some particular song to FSC and they (me as well) need a "closure".

Requirements: The song never took part in FSC but you intended to submit it. The song could abolish FSC rules. At least 1 artist should represent your jury's country. 2 or more people from the same jury or country can send their respective songs.
That is an interesting idea. However, since only regular juries are privy to which songs they considered but rejected, it would need to be a regular jury spinoff. Let's see what the other regular juries have to say about this suggestion.


October 1, 2009
That is an interesting idea. However, since only regular juries are privy to which songs they considered but rejected, it would need to be a regular jury spinoff. Let's see what the other regular juries have to say about this suggestion.
I want it to be for everyone who has ever considered a song for FSC. Newcomers or people who don't take part in FSC anymore, doesn't matter. The general idea is to give your fave song that couldn't compete its 2nd chance.
And it shouldn't be necessary rejected by the jury. It's about individual choice too. All of us reject our own songs that we like. And not because we like them less.

Ps. But it shouldn't be about current entries, because what if you or your co-jurors change their mind? That's why all entries shouldn't meet FSC rules (older than 1 year or got rejected by you after reading the rules or a mod).
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FSC Administrator
Staff member
October 3, 2009
Hi guys!

It is soon the month of November and time for another FSC Spin-Off edition.

In view of this we have offered the previous winner of the FSC August Spin-Off the chance and opportunity to host the coming November Spin-Off, but the offer was declined due to lack of time for the task, and so the FSC Mod team (Malagant) will do the hosting again.

The timetable for the coming event is as follows:

1. Themes: I will post theme-suggestions here below and you can all vote for your favourite ones
2. Themes contd.: If you have several favourites, please give/name them in priority order (priority 1, priority 2 etc)
3. Entry Submissions: I will post a Confirmation thread for entries in about 1 week’s time
4. FSC November Spin-Off: estimated 10th November - 25th November

Theme suggestions for the FSC November 2023 Spin-Off:

1. Best Of: 1990-1999
2. The Guilty Pleasure Songs Spin-Off (songs you secretly love, but feel a twinge of guilt or embarrassment about enjoying them)
3. The 2nd Chance Spin-Off (songs you now wished you had sent / could have sent to FSC but did not and / or were too old at point of selection)
4. Songs about/with places (in title or lyrics)
5. One Hit Wonders Spin-Off

Specific rules for the chosen theme will be informed in the Confirmation thread later.


Marcos C

Well-known member
June 20, 2023
US / Marcobia
In order of preference, my choices are:

1. Songs about/with places
2. Best Of: 1990-1999
3. The Guilty Pleasure Songs Spin-Off


Well-known member
April 6, 2017
I don't have much time to participate, but if it's "The Guilty Pleasure Songs Spin-Off" I might try (y):lol:


Well-known member
March 28, 2023
1. Best Of: 1990-1999
2. Songs about/with places
3. One Hit Wonders


Well-known member
April 19, 2021
Dublin, Ireland
Kind of happy to do any of them really... here are my preferences tho

1. 2nd Chance
2. Guilty Pleasures
3. 1990-1999


FSC Administrator
Staff member
October 3, 2009

It is time to make a theme-selection for this coming FSC November Spin-Off. Everyone has had around 1 week to share their preferences. Thanks everyone for participating, we appreciate that so many voted for their preferred options.

The options

Best Of: 1990-1999
Songs about/with places (in title or lyrics)

received the most votes.

The 1st option received 4 x votes (Priority 1) while the 2nd option received 3 x votes (Priority 1). Both also received some Priority 2 and 3 votes.

This means that option 1 is the most preferred alternative.

The winner is: Best Of: 1990-1999

I will post a Confirmation thread for the FSC November Spin-Off with further details.

We hope many members will take part, keep in mind we need at least 13 participants to host the Spin-Off!

Welcome all! xup


FSC Administrator
Staff member
October 3, 2009
Hi guys!

It is soon the month of February and time for the 1st FSC Spin-Off Edition of 2024.

In view of this we have offered the previous winner of the FSC November 2023 Spin-Off the chance and opportunity to host the coming February Spin-Off, but the offer was declined due to lack of time for the task, so the FSC Mod team (Malagant) will do the hosting again.

The timetable for the coming event is as follows:

1. Themes 1: I will post theme-suggestions below and you can vote for your favourite ones. New FSC Year = many new suggestions
2. Themes 2: If you have several favourites, please give/name them in priority order (priority 1, priority 2 etc)
3. Entry Submissions: I will post a Confirmation thread for entries around 1st February
4. FSC February Spin-Off: estimated 10th February - 24th February

Theme suggestions for the FSC February 2024 Spin-Off:

1. One Hit Wonders Spin-Off
2. The Guilty Pleasure Songs Spin-Off (songs you secretly love, but feel a twinge of guilt or embarrassment about enjoying them)
3. Folk/Ethnic - Part 2 Spin-Off (we had Part 1 in May 2020)
4. R.I.P. Spin-Off (artists that are deceased)
5. Numbers Spin-Off (song must have number in title or lyrics)

Specific rules for the chosen theme will be informed in the Confirmation thread later.

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