First, congrats to
United Kingdom and [MENTION=15467]marc[/MENTION] with another Spin-Off victory!
Thank you for the points (special thanx for the 12 points!) for my unconventional song by Dimash from Kazakhstan in this FSC Spin-Off. A poor result kinda as expected, the song is far from traditional in style (‘experimental opera’), was a risky choice, and met some strong competition in this edition, but I am glad some of you enjoyed it and I wanted to share/enter it - and this truly amazing and groundbreaking new artist - regardless.
Dimash’s unique voice (he is many singers assembled in one person, from a baritone to high soprano) and singing is often too strange/different for many, so for the masses I think all that can be said is this (echoed from Michael J Fox’s infamous character in the movie ‘Back To The Future’ when they look with confusion at him when he plays an ‘otherworldly’ gitar-solo more at place in 1985 than in 1955):
I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it."
Here are some reflections regarding my top 10 this time:
Portugal A Masterpiece! Excellent artist and excellent song. Facing strong competition this edition it still deserved my 12p!
Norway I love Alexander Rybak and this song was in fact Norway’s (my) entry in FSC in 2010. A potential 12-pointer in a weaker month.
New Zealand What a briliant pop-song! Never heard it before and I love it! A potential 12-pointer in a weaker month.
Turkey Another great song! I have been a fan of Tarkan since the late 1990s. A potential 10-pointer in a weaker month.
Canada A classic song by Celine from ‘Titanic’ (great movie imo). Was higher on my list. A potential 10-pointer in a weaker month.
Italy Pavarotti and opera. Class-act without doubt. A potential 10-pointer in a weaker month.
USA I am a fan of Lady Gaga too, a good song (though I have some other favourites). A potential 8-pointer in a weaker month.
South Korea Never heard this song before but I liked it! It certainly deserved some of my points.
United Kingdom Another powerful song I liked by an accomplished artist. Was higher on my list, it deserved some of my points.
Germany Well.. I love much Metal but the growl/screeching vocal parts were too extreme for me. Without that would prob been in my top 4.
The countries/songs that came just outside my top 10 and points were (in no particular order):
- nice songs these too!
Thank you, guys - happy to see you all enjoyed this FSC November Spin-Off where you could share your treasured songs!