FYI: The remaining entry has
not been submitted yet and the member has
not responded to numerous PM-messages in the past 24 hours. We are now many many hours past the extended deadline and we need to get on with the contest. The member with Serbia must therefore sit out this FSC Spin-Off edition and we will run with 16 countries.
I will now finally be able to start the pre-contest preparations and first make a Running Order Draw and after that work on the banners and some 'finishing touches' on the Show (I have luckily prepared most of the text/pictures for the Show beforehand). The Show will be posted later tonight sometime and we are going to a new interesting location for the FSC (like in all FSC Spin-Offs we go to places we never get to go to in the main FSC editions, expanding our FSC Universe), it will be a nice surprise..
Hope you all look forward to this FSC February Spin-Off!