Welcome to another FSC Spin-Off!
Welcome to the FSC August 2024 Spin-Off ft. ‘Songs about/with Places’ from all around the wor
ld. Our host city is Abidjan - Ivory Coast , or Côte d'Ivoire. It's the largest city and the former
capital of the country. The city’s population is ca 6.3 million making it the 6th most populus city
in Africa . A cultural crossroads of West Africa, Abidjan is marked by industry and urbanisation.
Abidjan was originally a small Atchan fishing village . In 1896 , following a series of deadly yellow
fever epidemics , French colonists who had initially settled in Grand-Bassam, decided to move to
a safer place, and in 1898 chose the current location of Abidjan . In 1903 it officially became a to
wn . The new Abidjan , situated on the edge of a lagoon , offered more land and better propsects.
From 1904, Abidjan became the main economic hub of the colony of Ivory Coast & a prime chann
el for distributing products to the European ‘hinterland’ . In 1950s Abidjan became the financial ce
nter of West Africa. When Ivory Coast became independent in 1960 Abidjan became the country's
new administrative & economic center. The city saw great population growth in the next decades.
Major industries today incl. food processing , lumber, automobile manufacturing, textiles, chemic
als, and soap. Tourism is also important and the city has been called “Pearl of the lagoons”. With
its accommodation facilities and sporting facilities, its lively night life, transport and communicat
ion lines as well as its impressiveness, it is the perfect city for business and commercial tourism.
Sights in Abidjan: St. Paul’s Cathedral, Banco National Park, Plateau district, Mosquée SALAM du
Plateau, Treichville (home to clubs and restaurants), Musée Des Cultures Contemporaines (popu
lar museum) , Réserve Naturelle de Dahliafleur (nature reserve), Galerie Cécile Fakhoury (popular
gallery), Marché De Cocody Saint jean (flea & street market), and La Pyramide (cool architecture)
Our Host venue is the : Palais de la Culture in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Establied in 1999 it is a
multi-purpose venue but specifially created for the arts, culture and for live performances of mus
ic and artistic presentations . The building is situated between the Houphouët-Boigny Bridge and
the General de Gaulle Bridge. It was constructed on a 12000 m2 site and has a 9.400 seat capac
ity, at present . They are proud to host this evening’s Spin-Off edition of the Forum Song Contest.
Our wonderful Hosts this evening are:
Tara Gueye and Olivia Yacé
Tara Gueye is a former Miss Ivory Coast winner (2019) who represented her country at the 2019
Miss World Contest . She was a very ambitious economics graduate student. She's proud of her
cultural heritage and her country . She is proud to co-host this evening’s Spin-Off edition of FSC.
Olivia Yacé is a former Miss Ivory Coast winner (2021), who represented her country at the 2021
Miss World Contest. She has also had a career in modelling in the past years. She's proud of her
cultural heritage , and her country. She is proud to co-host this evening’s Spin-Off edition of FSC.
Opening Act
by famous Ivory Coast
singer Serge Beynaud
Once again, welcome to this Spin-Off edition of the Forum Song Contest.
Let the Show begin!
Interval Act
A well known song by the late Leonard
Cohen which includes names of Places.
Closing Act
by famous Ivory Coast
singer Bétika
Thank You - and Good Night - from Abidjan, Ivory Coast!
Voting deadline: 24th August, 23:59 CET
NB! Votes may be submitted after 72 hours
Votes received:
Votes are sent by PM to me , Malagant in trad. ESC/FSC-style: 12-10-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1p.
No votes for own entry. No late votes will be accepted, so make a note of the deadline.
Promotion of your entry (voluntary) may be done in the FSC Spin-Off Promotions Thread.
Enjoy - and good luck to all entries!