Dula Peep and lesbian icon Angèle are happy that we finished 4th. They send virtual hugs to everyone

Mr. Dotan left forever wondering if he would have scored better if I chose him
probably not )).
Such an interesting results

Very polarizing winner. Almost everyone voted for ESC goddesses but they still finished in the bottom 3

Nightwish result was a shocker name-wise, but I guess big name means big expectations. Personally I gave their song 8 pts and I thought that it would be a contender for the top 3.
I had voted without knowing who represented whose country (like I always do), so I gagged after realizing that my 12 went to
@Journalist , because I like Bosnian entries in FSC

My avatar has already implied that I'd give very high points to Artem... but imho sending him was too soon. Loboda - happy that she fired her crazy & homophobic management

but that song landed at my #11 (something like "SuperStar" or "Moloko" would received pretty high points from me).
There's one thing that confuses me a little. Is Ukraine 5th? Same amount of voters, but there are two 10's. But another tie is broken correctly.
@Zorjan Congrats with your 1st show! It was exciting to watch and I'm happy with the design & voting order, location, the "technical difficulties" were hilarious