I'm glad Gloria Estefan came 4th, though I wanted a bit more for her. It's a so special song which talks about someone who has to live his land, so it's her story and also mine, so it's special and important to me. Also Cuba is a country which means a lot for me, cause I spent so wonderful days there and all what news say about Cuba is unfair and it's not that bad at all
The final was amazing. I didn't know what to vote, but had to choose Celine cause that song means a lot for me as well. But Ecuatorian song is just amazing. I'm sure if Mirella was born in a bigger country, like Colombia, Mexico, Argentina or Spain, she'd be a latin star now.
And also thank you to Uruguay, cause that was my favourite song by far. I discoevered it now and music and especially lyrics are heartbreaking. Just amazing :shock: