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FSC Bulgaria


Active member
October 1, 2009
Sooo, one of our top stars Kameliq finally joins FSC! Her song - You leave stains:


Kameliq - one of the most provocative and constant chalga singers in Bulgaria. She's been around since the early ages of Pop-Folk, making new hit songs every year and never complaining or producing scandals with her producers - the mighty Payner company. Only recently she complained about the newer singers, who are fake and cannot sing, therefore sing only on playbacks, never live. She had mostly Andrea in mind. She said, that singers, who depend only on silicone for their careers are ruining the chalga genre in Bulgaria. Well, not that she doesn't have silicone or doesn't rely on nakedness, but at least she does it in a more elegant way, and yes, she sings live on SOME of her performances - Za tebe shte umra (I'll die for you) , Falshiva koja (Fake skin) , maybe here Kato jiva rana (Like a fresh wound) and here Strelkite spirat (The clock stops - something for the ballad lovers). Not when she's on a big TV though - Ostavqsh petna, supposedly live version
What I find the real killer of the chalga genre though is how most of the songs are stolen from Serbia, Greece, or other countries. Kameliq herself doesn't pay attention to that, especially knowing that her biggest hits were stolen. But as most fans say - who the f--k cares if the song is original or sung life, when it's so good?!


Kameliq Vladimirova Veskova was born 10th January, 1971 in the town of Chiprovci. At the age of 11 she's the main vocalist of the school choir (big deal, Chiprovci hardly offers any competition). In 1994 she enters the public space by winning Miss Chiprovci and then Miss Montana. That qualifies her to compete for Miss Bulgaria, where she becomes 6th. She becomes an advertising face for a big company and sings in pubs and at weddings in the meantime. She sings mainly greek and serbian hits, showing her love for her childhood idol Lepa Brena even then. 1996 she goes as a vocal of a band to sing in Switzerland, mainly in serbian pubs. 1997 she comes back in Bulgaria and goes to Payner company, where she still remains. Her first song was Grqh li e tova (cover from Ceca Velickovic). Her first big hit was Zashto povqrvah (Why did I believe) in 1999. It became a classic, respected even today, and it's what helped her first album "Fire girl" from 1998 sell 90 000 copies (enormous ammount, considering the genre and the country). However another song of hers, which came shortly after, made her a truly successful chalga star, the cover of the serbian Leba Brena's Luda za tobom - Luda po tebe. It was announced as the winner of the award "Cover song of the decade" in 2008 and even today, almost a decade after the song's release, it's a must-play for every party in Bulgaria and every party-boy or girl knows the lyrics at least of the refrain by heart. She had many more hit songs over the years (I'm really having a hard time choosing what's the best of the best to put only a few here (yeah, I know I already cheated and put some of these on the live versions above ;) brace youselves, I'm beginning from the old ones and advancing slowly to the newer ones) - Ogyn momice (Fiery girl) , Nqma shega (Ya habibi) (There's no joke (Ya habibi)) , Ti si vinoven (It's your fault) , Iskash da se vyrna (You want me back, feat. Sakis Coucos) , Znam, nqkoi den (I know, some day) , Ti ela (You come) etc.


We'll now take a break from her legendary songs to appreciate some other interesting endeavors she's had in her long and fruitful career. She recently agreed to be the host in a humoristic talk show, connected to VIP Brother (Big Brother with VIPs), where she is largely successful. In an edition where the popular with his non-sense speeches prof. Vuchkov is a special guest, she receives more than a million of viewers, which equals more than 1/7th of the population of Bulgaria. A few years before that she shoots for Playboy, as a responce to the huge publi interest in her. The red circle was put there by me, because I don't want my post deleted, but you can easily find the uncensored photo, among with many more with her brests with google :)


And among her most recent hits: Useshtam te oshte (I still feel you) , Orgasm (stolen from Sakis Rouvas) , Cherna kryv (Black blood, the video was released well before the world knew Lady Gaga) and her latest song, which because of its being stolen, scared some people that Kameliq might abdicate from representing us in April - Kak da te zabravq (How do I forget you)
And of course, how do we forget (answer - we don't!) Kameliq's victory in Remix Song Contest 2 - with a nice differential between her and the second song, the lovely remix of the adorable song Zaleza i zorata - Watch a fan video of what 8 countries chose as the best among 16 amazing dance tunes

Now all we can do is eagerly await her result on FSC.



Active member
October 1, 2009
And now a few memorable news from the last month. We're beginning with Emanuela, who released the video of her new song - Everything comes back. In the song she sings about a man, who broke up with her and killed her inside and now she wishes that he feels the same, that later when he comes back to her, it'll be too late, and that every deed comes back to you. Something I felt on myself just recently ;) I'm posting the video right here and not as a link, beause it's one of the few ballads I really like and I think Emanuela is very beautiful in the video.


Next on the list, we have Andrea, who continues her cooperation with Costi and recently released the video of their song with Shaggy and Bob Sinclair - nothing special - neither the song, nor the video, but still it's always worth saying it, when someone from your small country colaborates with a well known world star. Also the song has been touched a little for the video, and it has a slightly better appeal than the original version:


The song also has an official remix. Without the annoying Shaggy and probably without Bob Sinclair :)
More news about Andrea - there's a new bulgarian movie for the cinemas - Mission London. There's a lot of noise and promices about it and even I would go to see it (legally :shock: ). The relation to our FSC artists is that Andrea appears for a minute there, playing a sexy russian killer.

Speaking about remixes, we have to honour Grafa's fresh new remix of his FSC song You leave tracks - The video has also been touched for the remix. No matter how badly it finished in here, the song is one of Grafa's most successful and blew some of the dust on his career away.

Nice videos so far, but not one new song from our FSC artists. Ustata and Sofi Marinova team up again to take the shame from such a fact away! Their new song is very different to Bate Shefe, if it wasn't for the awesome rhythm, it would be a great ballad :)

Last, but not least, Deep Zone released the whole video of their new song from the new album - Rise Again, in cooperation with Yavor, the former vocal of Gravity Co. In the video Yavor shoots in different spots in Sofia, while DJ Dian goes to LA. In the end they go to the same disco, bringing the two worlds together. The message of the lyrics is a nice end to this news bulletin :)

But we can't end without a weather forecast (which is more than terrible btw, it's been raining for a week and the same will go on for the next 10 days) or at least some topic related joke



Active member
October 1, 2009
Even 94 will send lovely chalga for the next month - he hasn't sent anything I like since Emanuela, so I'll expect his results as well. But the shock of Kameliq's score will make me punish you with a lovely party chalga song for June! And then wild techno-chalga in cooperation with a greek singer for August! There will be no more experiments and diversity from me :)

Here's a clue of the great chalga expecting you in May:



Active member
October 1, 2009
FSC May 2010 - Bulgaria - ????? - ????? ??????? (What a present)


BG Lyrics:

1) ????? ?? ?? ????? ??? ????? ???? ????
? ?? ???????? ???? ?????? ???.
??? ?? ???? ???, ?????? ??? ?? ?????? -
???? ????? ?? ????????, ????.

?????? (?2): ????????? ?? ?? ?????? ??? ??????? ????,
????????? ??, ?? ?????? ????? ?????.
??????? ??????? ??? ???? - ??? ?? ????? -
????????? ??, ????? ??????? ?? ???????!

2) ??? ????? ?? ?????, ?????? ??? ?? ?????.
?? ?? ?????? ? ?? ?????? ???.
??? ?? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ???? ?,
??? ?????? ?? ????????, ????.

????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ???? ????
??????? ??????? ?? ?? ????? - ???
? ????? ?? ?????, ?? ?? ???? ?? ?? ?,
?????? ?? ? ?? ?????????, ????.

?????? (?5)

EN Lyrics:

1) I want you to see who came after you
And to bear that sight yourself.
He'll be where you once were -
This thought makes you crazy, I know.

Refrain: You get crazy watching me kiss him,
You get crazy that he's taken your place.
What you've done with me - he does it now,
Get crazy - what a present you gave him!

2) Look what he does to me, instead of you.
You gave me away and you hate yourself.
Here on your place there are others, it's clear -
How crazy it makes you, I know.

Has noone else after me succeeded
In making you so happy - no?
You've tried with many, but you're jelous of me,
You watch me and you get crazy, I know.


This wonderful song, Raina dedicated to her ex-boyfriend Konstantin, who dumped her. He left her broken, but then she recovered and made this song to show her strength and to show him she's over him.
Raina was born 30.09.1981 in Sandanski. It might surprise you, that despite her youth, she's among the much loved chalga veterans of Bulgaria, just a step beneath Gloriq or Kameliq, singing professionally since 2001. Her first few songs don't become hits (I can't even find them on youtube). Her first hit is a big one however - and a ballad - Gasne noshtta (The night fades) winning a lot of awards and recognition for her. Unlike most of the chalga legends, who spend time earning tips from shady businessmen in the taverns, she concentrates on folk festivals, never missing an year of the Pirin Song Contest. The most successful of her songs there is Samodiva (Pirin fairy). By the way, another huge difference between her and the other chalga stars is the lack of silicone in her brests and lips.
2004 is the most successful year for Raina and also when she and Konstantin get together. They make their first love ballad Tejka diagnoza (hard diagnosis), which becomes a classic hit, played even today on afterparties throughout Bulgaria :).
After that she's already established and free to make big hits. Among them are:
- Ti me lyjesh nai-dobre (You lie to me the best)
- Kato leten grip (Like a summer flu) (the video might be interesting to the gays in the forum ;) )
- Liubov po skalata na Rihter (Love by Rihter's scale)
- Po vsqko vreme (At any time)
- Ot edin inat (Because of being stubborn) - A wonderful ballad
- 1.90
As you can see one thing she doesn't differ from her colleagues is the habit of stealing greek and serbian songs ;)


Recently she starred in Vip Brother, actually just when Konstantin dumped her, so she had to show the whole country how she grieved for him. Then she took part as a contestant in Vip Dance, shocking everyone with beautiful dancing and winning the contest, despite being from the chalga genre - Her dance on the final
And after returning from her reality shows, she continued making wonderful hits:
- Ot utre (From tomorrow)
- Greshka (Mistake)
- And the smash hit of winter 2008/2009 - Nejna policiq (Gentle police)


After the song, which is her current FSC entry, she made another very promising one - Jeni kato teb (Women like you)

One can find a lot of similarities between her songs and the state of her romance with Konstantin. She made a lot of love ballads and cheery dance songs while she was him, now she makes a lot of break-up ballads and the cheery songs are with "I've recovered from you" theme, including the most recent one. It's painful for me to watch such a beautiful young girl so broken by her unhappy love with a village simpleton like Konstantin.


For the curios part of her introduction - her name Raina is not a very popular name among the bulgarians. Little children, who can't say R properly and say L instead often jeer at people with such names, because Laina means sh*t. However her name was given by the famous bulgarian prophet Vanga, who was very strict in her instructions to never change her name, because it would bring her bad luck. Raina stayed true to the seer's instruction and didn't even change it for any of the better nicknames her producers at Payner offered her, when she started singing for them. It seems it's a good move for her, because she is among the favourites of the bulgarian music fans.



Active member
October 1, 2009
And for those, who care - hopefully I'm not writing these news bulletins just for myself - here's what our FSC artists have produced in the last 30 days.

First of all I'd like to correct my mistake last month. Sofi Marinova and Ustata do have a new song named Liubov li be (Was it love), but I presented you the remix, thinking it was the original. The remix was not just some kid's attempt on chalga, but DJ Rossko's! As you might know DJ Rossko is now working separately from Deep Zone, since they had many disagreements and separated several months ago. The remix was presented before the original for a reason - it's much better. And now both a video, aimed against the women traffic:


The most recent addition to the music collection is DesiSlava's Iskam te pak (I want you again) - a classy dance tune without a single ethno element. She's obviously aiming for international success, so good luck, Desi!!

Kameliq also has a new song, which she hasn't made a video of yet - Sexy. Unlike DesiSlava she doesn't cheat on her style, making the fans happy with another dance chalga song. This one might not be something too special, but it will do the trick in keeping the youth in the chalgotheks :)

A regular singer at any chalgothek is Andrea and this month she doesn't disappoint - yet again she proves her reputation of being the hardest working singer not only among the Bulgarian FSC artists, but in Bulgaria overall, by making a new song in collaboration with Costi - Neblagodaren (Ungrateful). The song has yet to see its video, but Andrea promised it to be special and to appear as a sycillian widow without make-up in it ;) Hopefully when she takes off her make-up, she won't reveal herself as a 90-year-old mackerel.

As a contrast to the hard-working Andrea we have Slavi Trifonov, who very rarely makes new songs. Even more rarely does he make good songs. But his last song is pretty good and definitely worthy of our attention. His partner is the winner of his show "Become a pop-folk star" Liusi.


Last, and probably least, Emanuela and Krum took part in the Balkanika Music Awards last Sunday in Sofia, where they performed on playback their entry "Nishto ne znaesh" (You don't know anything). Their song (stolen from Albania) finished on the 4th place. They would be lucky though if they haven't got a cold! I was 10 times more dressed then them and still did - it was freezing! At least the rain didn't catch them, although it would have looked good on their performance ;)
Colonia's Lazu Oci Moje, which also took part in FSC for Croatia, finished last in this contest, despite being imo by miles the best song of the night.


And this is the last news for this month - pretty okay though, less than 15 singers and each month is full of new songs :)
The music joke to end the bulleting is paying tribute to ESC:



October 1, 2009
Emanuela can wear the most wh*r-ish outfit and she would still look sexy. I can't say the same about Krum, unfortunately.
I like the song though.


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Bulgaria / Bulgarie / България
Happy to finally have another Bulgarian in the contest again! :) Sorry to have not updated the page for a while but I'll try to do it soon, at least with what songs we've sent and who we've given points to, etc.


Active member
May 12, 2011
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
I can't believe Grafa didn't get more points~~~!!!
It's such a Great Song....maybe I just have the weirdest taste here!! XDDD
Really Sad it didn't do better though...
As I said in the beginning, this song deserves a Top 5 position xbounce
Anyways, thanks so much for sharing it with us!!
It's definitely added to my playlist~ ;)


Active member
May 12, 2011
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Yeah, I guess Taiwan just have a different taste in music compared to the rest of the world~ ^^
Although, some of them were deeply pursuaded by me~!! xrofl3
Especially my brother and sisters!! :mrgreen:
It was actually a tie between the top 2 Canada and Bulgaria,
but as I have the final say, I get to choose the Number one song!!! :lol::lol::lol:
I'm really excited to hear what Bulgaria has to offer next~~
It will be very interesting next month with such a variety of will be Great! xparty xcheer1
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