I never managed to see the ranking [MENTION=5343]nallasofus[/MENTION] made, and maybe such rankings should be put in a specific "forum members' ESC charts and rankings" sub-forum instead? In fact I think it could be a good thing to open in this forum and a place where all forum members that want to share their rankings could start their own personal ranking threads (I think the admin/mods could look into that). I see nothing wrong in wanting to share your ranking though? Maybe this wasn't the right sub-forum for it, but the way some reacted is a bit odd and very discouraging. I think it was clear from the get-go that it was a personal ranking, we all have our personal taste and why would anyone be attacked for sharing it if that's what they want? I think there are many threads where we can "passionately" discuss our different opinions on songs, but is a thread started to present a personal ranking the right place to do so? Music taste is subjective in the end of the day, your favs might be someone else's nightmares and vice versa.