It's nice how Estonia have turned things around recently!
Five failures in a row (2004-2008)
Four non-consecutive qualifications (2009-2013)
Hopefully they will add to their tally of qualifications!
Euuuuuuuuuuuphooooooriiiiiaaa do you hear me screaming?
Congratulations, you are 1000th one who is saying that and tries to be funny.
And I believe that it looks a lot like Euphoria.
And oh did I win any prize?
Similarity is 0%! All dancing elements and staging is different. Only thing that ''Amazing'' shares with ''Euphoria'', is that both songs are in dancing genre. But are we going to say that all million songs in dancing genre are like ''Euphoria''?
Then... Bless Loreen for inventing singing, dancing and dance music
Israel has also a dance song
And what it is then? Ballad?
I call dance song all the song that can be danced in parties etc... It's a clear dance song for meA pop songNot everything uptempo is a dance song.