Jury members:
Anna Põldvee
Valner Valme
Mart Niineste
Tauno Aints
Owe Petersell
Erik Morna
Heini Vaikmaa
Olav Osolin
Nele-Liis Vaiksoo
Els Himma
Liis Lemsalu
As I've said before in this thread, I'm sure... this is a nice song but needs more oomph. The performance doesn't really match the song, it needs to be more danceable
Hehe.. danke! Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm a newbie to this forum. Hope I'll get used to it quickly. Yeah, somewhat I have to agree with you, but neither Maailm on hull doesn't sound bad
Btw, Igranka was my #2 fav last year.
Anyway, Tuuli Rand isn't a very powerful singer. I had many doubts on her voxal abilities there, and she does pretty well ! She's not Teela Viira though...