Definetly the strongest artist right now!
KUULA: peaaegu kõik Eesti Laulu poolfinalistid on oma lood avaldanud! | Õhtuleht
Maiken song is good but too slow to win something, good enough singing for church in christmas maybe. Maiken is still very good singer but this song is not so good like she.
Actually the same story is Tanja song. Tanja is great but the song is a little bit like 90`s disco.
I like also State of Zoe because the female singer is great. Maybe too alternative music to win the competition.
Lenna song is too old for 1. march - people are tired to heard this months and months in radio...
Others are not so good...i`m sure that Sven/Sandra song are very good and we can hear this soon, just relax
The rights decison`s can be objectives when we can see them all not only hear these examples in youtube
In stage we can really hear the voices. Right now the omputers tell the contorted voices.
I think is very difficult who are in superfinal actually because the pre-selection winner was KÕRSIKUD. The second was Sandra.
But the jury tells them about 30 seconds not more. Tanja dancing show coming great so it`s very hard to tell who are winner or so-so-so