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ESC United - Rehearsal and Live Show discussion megathread


Staff member
September 28, 2009
It's time for the rehearsals to finally get underway for Eurovision 2024 at Malmö Arena! 37 countries will begin their preparations for this year's contest today, with over two weeks of coverage to come from the ESC United team on the ground!

The schedule for rehearsals is below (thank you Eurovisionworld! All times in CEST);

You can check out Matt's pre-rehearsal live stream below in case you missed it;


The team will be on hand to cover everything going on in Malmö over the coming weeks, so make sure to follow ESC United on Facebook, Twitter (X), Instagram, and YouTube and Twitch to not miss a minute!

Please also use this thread for any rehearsal coverage and discussion, including for jury shows, dress rehearsals and the live shows!​


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Well-known member
December 26, 2014
So all the rehearsal footage I've watched so far have the cinematic crop, like two black bars at the top and bottom of the screen?? Is it going to be like this in all performances? Because I'm not digging it not gonna lie


Well-known member
December 26, 2014
Alright my two cents
:cy: Actually looks quite alright, weird colour scheme for the vibe of the song though. We need to get rid of pre-recorded vocals though. Borderline Q.
:rs: Might be a little too minimalistic and feels like it's getting lost between Cyprus and Lithuania. Could be a surprise NQ.
:lt: This looks good! Properly staged, fun, good camera cuts. A qualifier.
:ie: Curious to see the whole thing. Really depends on how accessible this is going to be. Borderline qualifier.
:ua: Looks like a great staging, as always with Ukraine. Curious to the whole thing as well. Clear qualifier.
:pl: Luna honey.. should be moving less because she sounds out of breath. Staging too tacky for my tase. Borderline qualifier because of friendly voting.
:hr: Pretty much as expected but I didn't like the staging so yeah that's that. Doesn't feel like a winner to me tbh. Clear qualifier though.
:is: This is a non-event unfortunately. Liked the jumpsuit in Söngvakeppnin better. Non-qualifier.
:sl: Surprisingly, this is a non-event as well imo. Too bright, Also, definitely not feeling this clip with the whoaaahs. At risk of non-qualifying.
:fi: Hate everything about this and this SHOULD NOT QUALIFY but it probably will unfortunately.
:md: Immensely tacky looool. Probably a non-qualifier.
:az: I always forget this is here, not too impressed by the staging. Could sneak in as a Q?
:au: Better than expected in my opinion, but I'm afraid it's might be too non-European for the.. European public. Could Q though.
:pt: Amazing. In a fair world this should qualify, so a qualifier in my world.
:lu: Also better than expected? Don't dig her outfit but feels like there could be a moment here. Probably a qualifier.

My qualifier prediction based on these snippets, from most likely to least likely to qualify:
:ua: :hr: :lt: :fi: :pt: :lu: :pl: :ie: :cy: :au: :rs: :sl: :az: :md: :is:


June 5, 2019
It's Ukraine, Ireland, and Portugal that satisfies me with their recaps.

Aside of that, what do you think about the stage design/proportion and FX+lighting after the recaps?


February 9, 2012
This is what I think of the rehearsals from the first semi. I'm basing this purely on the staging, the vision and vocals (apparently not much as I have Poland 3rd). This ranking has nothing to do with my personal opinions of the songs themselves, otherwise I'd have Slovenia in 2nd place :cry:

01. :ie: Ireland would have qualified even with the NF performance but this is a glow up. It looks absolutely perfect. I wouldn't be surprised if they win the semi to be honest. It can't win the contest because of the jury but don't be surprised when this really blows up big.
02 :ua: It's Ukraine. Incredible staging expected. It looks gorgeous and very eye-catching. I love the mountain.
03. :pl: Ok, the vocals are really poor but once Sweden do that magical thing they like which is called drowning people in incredibly loud studio backing, this is going to kick absolute butt. The staging is unique, incredibly memorable. Charmingly wacky, I'd say. This is top 10 in the final once Luna's shaky vocals are drowned.
04. :az: Again, some really gorgeous staging here and one of the four standouts. This entry was more or less dead but now it has a fighting chance.

05. :lt: Worked well in the NF. Will work well again now. I found this entry overrated when it was picked and now weirdly despite my personal opinion on the song staying the same, I feel it's been forgotten and I'm confused as to why. It's more solid, contemporary and interesting than most of the bigger faves.
06. :au: Pretty nice, trippy staging. Beautiful actually with the gorgeous reds and oranges. Gives a very warm feeling. I feel the guy with the didgeridoo could have been incorporated better though as his entrance feels a bit.. odd or something? He just stumbles up there.
07. :cy: Super cute with an awkwardness to it that's going to be very memeable. Most importantly it's a lot of fun and not taking itself too seriously. I was thinking Cyprus may have fell in this semi but their chances have strengthened.

Adequate.. sort of
08. :pt: Same as the national final which I found hard to connect with. I think I've said this before but the all white makes it feel sterile. Other than that, Iolanda is kicking butt so it's a mixed bag for me.
09. :md: I really, REALLY disliked the old performance of this. It was so stern and cold. Seeing Natalia by herself on the stage both feels wrong as well as refreshing. I feel sad she hasn't got backup with her but at the same time she's good enough to command the stage herself, and the graphics are pretty.
10. :is: I like the outfit and all the gold. Hera really could have done with some dancers though. It feels just too static. She looks awkward and nervous on the platform. I hope the slow motion walk is still in so I can briefly stan and remember for 5 seconds that I am indeed a gay man.
11. :lu: I don't know what to say about this. There's nothing necessarily wrong with the staging but nothing that stands out either. Extremely lucky to be closing the show.

12. :hr: I try.. I really do but I'm still perplexed. The colour palette is ugly. The staging is tacky. It just looks and feels really naff. Blindfold me to the fandom and odds this year and I'd have this down as a borderline qualifier, maybe 20th or so if it made the final. Instead it's the 2nd favourite to win. In the words of the great Dana Gillespie, "what is happening to our world?" *judging eyes*.
13. :rs: This looks and feels dead. The staging is nice. Right direction for the song but there's a disinterest to it that makes me not care. It's like she wants to be somewhere else, and so do I (despite it being a pleasant song).

Oh oh
14. :fi: This is supposed to be hideous. It's why people will vote for it. Let's do absolutely everything wrong but attach it to a catchy, accessible piece of pop. My feelings for the staging mean absolutely nothing.
15. :sl: Oh god. This had all the potential in the world for amazing staging and we get bright clouds. I feel it's totally missed the vibe the song creates. It's dark, opulent.. it's an imposing song. Considering how good the music video is, I had all the faith in them getting this right, although I was still nervous about the song's chances as it's somewhat risky. Now I'm terrified.
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Active member
May 9, 2021
:cy: Looks fine but maybe a bit too stiff. Could be because it is a rehearsal. Either way, I could see it as a borderline on either side. (8-12)

:rs: Looks very beautiful and although the spot is pretty bad, I think the high votes from Croatia and Slovenia will be enough to push it through. (8-12)

:lt: Looks great just as expected. (3-5)

:ie: Up until I saw the clip, I wasn't convinced that this has very high chances to Q, but it definitely looks really professional and will stand out. (3-5)

:ua: Looks amazing and I think, for someone like me who isn't a fan, it elevates the song. I don't see it winning in the final, but top 5 is very likely. (1-2)

:pl: It looks messy, which is a shame cause based on the photos, I thought it would look very cool. Imo the performance itself is pretty good, it just needs better camera angles. I'm a bit uncertain for it's chances, but I still think it will make it. (6-7)

:hr: Looks really good and energetic. I'm not sure for the overall results, but the clip made me feel pretty positive for its chances to win televoting in the final. (1-2)

:is: Looks decent but it's DOA. (13-15)

:sl: Meh, I think this is kinda plain and the lighting isn't really good too imo. I don't think it's completely chanceless, but I see NQ as the most likely option. (8-12)

:fi: I might be biased cause I like it, but this feels like the standout entry of the second half? I agree with the sentiment that this will probably flop in the final, but in the semi it will do well imo. (3-5)

:md: Looks nice but I don't think it will stand out. (13-15)

:az: Other than the outfits being a bit questionable, it looks really good. I see NQ as the more likely option, but it could still push through. (8-12)

:au: I find it alright visually, but a bit all over the place as well. I wouldn't say it's out for sure, but I don't think it will have any mass appeal. (13-15)

:pt: Looks very classy and it stands out. Due to lack of allies, NQ couldn't happen but I don't really see it. (8-12)

:lu: Looks fine, but imo they could have done something more colourful and light. Due to the spot and that they will probably promote Luxembourg's return, it will most certainly make it. (6-7)

Btw, opposite to what was said after the allocation draw, this is definitely the weaker semi for me.


May 12, 2018
Hmmm, based on the 30sec rehearsal clips, Ukraine's staging impresses me the most. Very solid and I love the backdrops.
Poland's one caught my attention in terms of staging. Very interesting, but the vocals are non-existent.

My favourites in this semi (song-wise) are Cyprus, Azerbaijan and Luxembourg, but I am not really liking what I have seen in the clips. Hopefully the full performances will change my opinion.

I do like the amount of props we got in this semi, at least it makes the performances more unique.
But again, I really hate the wide shots, they need to tone that down especially for those performances with only 1 performer.
Looks like a pretty decent semi in terms of performances.


Super Moderator
Staff member
March 4, 2011
The stage is gorgeous, it looks amazing and all showcased features are fantastic and working perfectly. Sound and camera work mostly looks like they are figuring them out, but no doubt it will be worked out.

Ukraine is a clear standout in the first semi imo. It is simply gorgeous. Ireland is another one, it might be my 180 turnaround entry of the year, it’s stunning??? Croatia looks great and he sounds much better vocally. Moldova is wrongly ignored, it can surprise and qualify.

Serbia is good too, needs more fog tho and slicker and closer camera angles. Slovenia is too bright.


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
:cy: Looks fine, but that it.

:rs: For me this was more in the middle. She sings well, but other entry was better

:lt: He will Q, but this was just ok.

:ie: I don,t like the songs, but a lot of People love it and i think Ireland will get the best result for many years

:ua: Looks amazing and could easy ending up top 5

:pl: Messy and very bad vocal. Poland have some disapper votes and they really need it.

:hr: I don,t get the winner feeling with this. Is not bad staging, but is not amazing either

:is: Is fine, but nothing who stand out. Maybe the last place but i,m hope take wrong.

:sl: Every year we have some songs who falls because of bad staging and this year i think Slovenia could be that songs. This was for me messy

:fi: Amazing staging and Finland will stand out. Could easy see this in top 3.

:md: We did not see much here other than Violin and the last part of the songs. Amazing background and it looks much better than in NF. Still sad to see that she probably will NQ

:az: For me in the middle. Not bad not amazing

:au: Feels very messy but on the other side it stand out somehow. Could Q, but i hope it will NQ

:pt: Looks very good and same like Ireland. A lot of people like it. I think Portugal will get another Q

:lu: Looks ok, but nothing who stand out. Last songs and return to Eurovision i think it will Q

My guess Q from most to least: Ukraine, Croatia, Finland, Ireland, Serbia, Portugal, Lithuania, Cyprus, Luxembourg and Australia
11. Poland
12. Moldova
13. Slovenia
14. Azerbaijan
15. Iceland


August 10, 2020
:cy: looks real good, not a big fan of the backing vocals over-use

:rs: looks very good

:lt: just like NF

:ie: looks extremly good, safe Q

:ua: best staging so far, absolutely majestic

:pl: what the actual hell

:hr: same as NF which is still eh

:is: looks fine, but ded

:sl: I don't think it looks as bad as people think, I think it looks okay and her vocals are out of this world, still think she makes it

:fi: same as NF, I like it

:md: really good back drop but she's too alone on stage

:az: looking very good, I looove the hands

:au: kinda messy

:pt: kinda same as NF, looks fine

:lu: looks very good, I hope vocals will be a bit better in live show


Well-known member
April 24, 2015
First impression of the second 2nd rehearsal clip: A lot of dance performances in the first half. :ch: does NOT look good to me, feels like a total novelty act after those slick dance performances at the beginning, especially with the clown outfit. :gr: looks VERY good and I'm not a fan of the song at all. This might actually get a very good televoting result, depending on its position in the final. Before I didn't understand their good odds at all but know I can see a top 10 result happening. And in general, :am: is a very fresh breeze of air in that rehearsal clip somehow. They definitely stand out with their Eurovision 2008/2009 vibe. This will also have a very good televoting result.


Active member
May 2, 2024
The second rehearsals so far are actually quite an improvement. Though I do think it’s a pretty weak year the visuals are quite pleasant. I am very much looking forward to Tuesday. Can’t believe we‘re already ready for another ESC.

My family will watch and listen to the songs for the first time. I‘m really curious to find out how they react and what they like. My sister is always a good indicator what is going to do well in the final. She‘s a casual viewer and a mainstream listener (which doesn’t mean she only likes the mainstream songs in ESC) and the songs she likes usually end up in the top 3.


Staff member
September 28, 2009


May 12, 2018

The first half of SF2 is pretty dire when this is supposed to be the stronger SF.

  • The only one with interesting staging is Armenia, such fun and colourful. Will look much better with the crowd.
  • Austria's and Malta's look similar (prefer Austria's though, look better executed with the camera angles) but could be stealing votes from each other.
  • Switzerland's one should have been fun but dunno why it looks so sterile. That outfit is a big no. That thin-looking chicken legs.
  • I thought we are supposed to have a very competent performer from Greece but why does she look lost and looks like she is going through the motion with the routine.
  • Besa changed her outfit, which I like, but it makes her look like she does not have a neck.
  • Czechia needs to wok on their camera angles more, some of them look sloppy.
  • Seba's non-existent vocals and sounds painfully shrill when she scream-sings.


Active member
May 2, 2024
I think people tend to forget that in the final and, to a certain extent also in the semis, there are lots more and a very different kind of people who are watching, not only the fan bubble. There are definitely songs which are overrated and some that are underrated here in this forum and on social media.

In the end, the casual viewer is taking very different things into consideration whether to vote or not. They only have three minutes and these for the first time. Most people will have forgotten 90% of the three minutes once the song is over. So the songs need something memorable in both song and staging. That doesn’t necessarily need to be a very fancy staging or sophisticated song. Sometimes the more simple and mainstream the better. But a gimmick certainly helps.
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