Centrix said:
Croatia will be lucky to catch the final and there, with all ex-yugo friends, will be lucky to be on 10th place. From ex-Yugo, Serbia will be again the best. Germany and Slovakia are also overrated, Slovakia has few chances to qualify from semifinal and Germany maybe will make a top 10, but it definetlly don't look like a winner. Armenia and Azerbaijan are also very overrated... I really don't get what happened with esc fans this year.
Well, remember the majority disagrees with you. Croatia, Azerbaijan, Slovakia, German and Armenia all have a lot of fans. Although 1 or 2 may flop (or may not) I don't think there is anything wrong with ESC Fans.
I remember in 2008 where I didn't like any songs in the Top 5 (or top 10 for that matter) but just because I thought they were bad doesn't mean my opinion is the ultimate one (although how cool would that be if it was? :twisted: )