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ENGLAND | WV 191 | RAM & Darren Porter - The Calling


Well-known member
March 5, 2015
E • N • G • L • A • N • D



The new Sultana Quen has arrived! xcheer


Eulaliya's English Reign
EditionArtistSongFinal PlacePointsSemi PlacePoints
::sudo 146Declan McKennaThe Key to Life on EarthFailed to qualify-1747
:ca: 147Phil CollinsAnother Day in ParadiseFailed to qualify-1263
:cn: 148David BowieLife on Mars?Failed to qualify-1652
:pl: 149Lolita (Annerley Gordon)Try Me20901358
:kant: 150Serge Gainsbourg & Jane BirkinJe t'aime... Moi non plusFailed to qualify-1948
:west: 151Sarah BrightmanHymn911310113
:es: 152David Bowie"Heroes"Failed to qualify-2332
:be: 153ChicaneSaltwaterFailed to qualify-1452
:es: 154Mike Oldfield ft. Maggie ReillyTo France8132
::bmen 155Murray GoldI Am the DoctorFailed to qualify-2230
:se: 157Tina CousinsPray151041065
:nl: 158Panjabi MCMundian To Bach KeFailed to qualify-1546
:pl: 160Dario GSunchymeFailed to qualify-2133
:rs: 161Haunted NurseryHaunted Dancehall (In the Nursery Mix)Failed to qualify-2034
:us: 162Kate BushRunning Up that Hill (A Deal with God)6123

Last edited by a moderator:


Well-known member
March 6, 2012

Good luck with Poland!!! xcheer

Excuse me, but did you give yourself 8 points last edition ???
Ehmm ... I think you meant wonderful Finland xbeee


Well-known member
March 5, 2015

Good luck with Poland!!! xcheer

Excuse me, but did you give yourself 8 points last edition ???
Ehmm ... I think you meant wonderful Finland xbeee

That scandal xfaint Sorry Cesar, of course it was wonderful Finland! xheat xhug
Thank you xheart


Albania Superstar
August 21, 2014
Phoenix, AZ / Oovoo Javer



Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
Re: England: WV90 - Baa Baa?

So for WV90, it's time to live up to a promise I made to a lot of my friends a while back... Those who know, know; those who don't... Well, let's just say you're not *quite* going to get the connection between the clue and the song title ;) I don't want to bleat on about it as I could really ram the point home, if ewe know what I mean? Aw, I feel sheepish now that I've said all this; please don't lambaste me for going on about it!


Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015


Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
Re: England: WV90 - Penguin Café Orchestra - Beanfields

WV90: Penguin Café Orchestra - Beanfields

Yes, it's the long-awaited "Sheepie Song" as many Freedomers call it from the sheep in the YouTube video. I couldn't NOT send that video as a result :lol:

It's a gorgeous instrumental piece by the iconic Penguin Café Orchestra - a group which I certainly would love to share more with y'all so maybe keep an eye out for them in the future! A weird blend of folk music with, well, sometimes quite random sounds! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy your trip into the Beanfields this edition :D


Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
Re: England: WV91 - Steps - Scared of the Dark

WV91: Steps - "Scared of the Dark

I cannot imagine that this is too much of a surprise for most of you, given I was on the verge of holding a National Final for Steps a few months back ;) I decided to forego the NF (as is my new approach) and instead just choose a song of theirs which I wanted to share.
I was not short of options on that front: Steps have been in and out of my life for the best part of two decades! I remember them from their early days in the 1990s as I had a few chums who were fans and I even recall "Tragedy" being sung in our school assembly at one point when I was 10/11. They kinda faded into the background somewhat for me until I hit university when my flatmates made up ten "flat rules" - number 6 on the list was that we always had to do the dance to the chorus of "Tragedy"! So suddenly they leapt back into my consciousness. Again, after those rules faded and I stopped going out to nightclubs so much, so Steps faded once again for me.

I had not, however, totally forgotten them, and got a few of their CDs on my charity shop hunts around Stirling once I had started my professional life and got my own car with CD player ;) So when they announced last year that they were bringing out a new CD, boy,
I was excited! I was even more excited when I started listening to the songs!! Calvin got me the CD for my birthday - as did my bemused younger brother (oops, communication error there!!) and soon I was totally hooked. I probably listen to it once a week on average in the car - and considering I generally listen to CDs for only about 3 hours a week in the car, that is a LOT - and so I am certainly strongly into them at the moment.

But what to send? Well, I eventually whittled it down to four for the NF - "Tragedy", "One for Sorrow", "Scared of the Dark" and "Story of a Heart". But when it came to it, well...

I've sent "Tragedy" to a spinoff before and whilst it is possible the one which has pervaded my life the most, I don't really want to repeat what I've already done so I eliminated that.

"One for Sorrow" is iconic, but it's not been *there* as much for me, so if I had to choose one song, it wouldn't be this.

"Story of a Heart" tells a gorgeous story and I adore it so much, but it just doesn't best encapsulate the Steps I've known for so long as well as...

"Scared of the Dark"! So I had to choose this - it's so obviously Steps for the first few seconds. It is a masterpiece and I adore it.
I'm sure that other Steps fans here will disagree with me and curse me for choosing the "wrong one", but it's the best one for me in the contest right now and I am overjoyed to be sending it here tonight. Enjoy xcheer


February 9, 2012
Re: England: WV91 - Steps - Scared of the Dark

*initiating 7 year old child mode* Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas oh gosh Steps!! The first music I ever owned was a Steps Heartbeat/Tragedy cassette single, and then my first ever album on cd was "Step One". This comeback single is amazing and totally 21st century Steps, upgrading their sound but still it's so recognizable as being totally them. I love it. Please slay with this. Bless your legendary charity shop hunts.

*turns 7 year old child mode off*


..... *turns 7 year old child mode on again and twirls*


Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
Re: England: WV92 - A Tribute to Foreign Friends

Apologies that this is somewhat late! Between tonsillitis and going on holiday with the family, I've not had much time/energy to update this, but thanks again to all you icons who supported Steps to an incredible third place! It's always really touching when a group you've loved for the best part of two decades does so well for you in a contest as it shows they can touch the hearts of lots of other people too. So here's a hearty "CHEERS" to the following icons:
:12: :es: :de: :jm: ::ista ::iled :paci:
:10: ::yohu :pl:
:8: ::sofi :mk: :ch:
:7: ::vi ::lomb
:6: :nwen: :ba:
:5: :sobr:
:4: :ca: :dk:
:3: :rs:
:1: :it: ::queb

I would like, if you'll indulge me, to also say a brief mention on my WV philosophy at this stage. I have a firm belief (and it is only a belief!) that Worldvision is a fantastic opportunity to discover new music whilst sharing things you love and have a real passion for. Sure, it's a joy when they do well, but I'd much rather an entry of mine flopped than send something I didn't really love. I mean, to paraphrase RuPaul, if you don't love yourself own entry enough to give it a :12:, how the hell you gonna expect someone else to love your entry? I reject the label scorewhore as it is applied by most - I don't care if your song is beloved by 3 people or 300 million. If you are sending music you love and you truly believe in, then I genuinely cannot ask more of you. If you're sending something you don't really care about, something you maybe like, but have no real passion for, just to try and win, well, tbh, why? What is the point? It saddens me when I see negative reactions to songs just because they are big hits - judge the music, not the popularity! Anyway, I just wanted to highlight that as I've seen various things around for the past five or six editions which just don't feel quite right and I wanted to say my ha'penny's worth on it!

Looking forwards and onto this edition's entry, well I wanted to send someone comedic after Steps' fabulous result so I've chosen someone who I almost sent last year, but the timing felt a little off. It's celebrating :en:'s ties with our close chums in :de: and :us:. It's sort of straight but also is totally OTT and fabulous and (I hope you'll agree) downright hilarious! I am certain you'll know the song (am genuinely gobsmacked this is the first time it's going to WV :lol:) but everything else will, hopefully, be new to y'all! I know of at least one player here who will be overjoyed to see the lead finally coming to WV, although perhaps not from the country you'd expect...


Well-known member
May 22, 2016
Mamanuca Islands, Fiji
Re: England: WV92 - A Tribute to Foreign Friends

Ohmygosh a cover of Nena's iconic hit featured in my cancelled Berlin NF a while ago xheat (The German version deserved better tho)
And you finally sent a Steps hit? Great, though I wasn't there to support it :/


Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
Re: England: WV92 - Tracey Ullman (as Angela Merkel) "99 Red Balloons"

WV92: Tracey Ullman (as Angela Merkel) "99 Red Balloons"

Well I said it was left-field... I wanted to go a bit more comedic after a few more serious entries! Tracey Ullman is an icon of the comedic scene in the US, but recently returned to her roots in the UK and has some fantastic satirical sketches from her most recent series. She is also a serious vocal talent as you can hear in this entry! I was amazed that "99 Red Balloons" has yet to go to WV so sorry Nena that this is the first version to go (mind those hairy armpits!!!) ;)

Hope you enjoy this lighter touch to WV and I'll hopefully have something completely different again for WV93 - sticking to the same thing is boring after all ;)


Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
Re: England: WV93 - Sky "Sahara"

WV93: Sky - "Sahara"

For WV93, I had a bit of a conundrum! I was really unsure which direction I wanted to go in, but after a few YouTube wanderings, I settled on something that a few of you may recollect. I sent Sky way way way back in WV58 after an NF which also included "Sahara". The song - "Vivaldi" - came very close to qualifying and I rank it as one of the very few occasions I actually expected a qualification which didn't happen, so disappointment was there! So I suppose this is sort of to avenge that (watch it do worse :p).

Sky were a band I discovered over a decade ago when my Dad was trying to find a CD of Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor for my music class at school and this was all he could find! I've loved their work ever since. "Sahara" is a sultry song of the desert with a superb rising and falling beat throughout. I hope you all enjoy it #JusticeForSky xcheer


Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
Re: England: WV93 - Sky "Sahara"

OK, so we came close, but not quite close enough! Unfortunately you seemed to be neatly split between REJU and Regular, leaving me just short in both! Ah well, thanks to everyone who supported Sky and "Vivaldi" in the semi. :)

Hehehe that was my response to Sky's result last time. I am overjoyed that this time they got over the line and are in the final xcheer It only took 35 editions :lol: Seriously though, it means a lot to see an artist which just missed out actually qualify on their return, so I am reet chuffed to have them in the final! Thanks to everyone who voted for "Sahara": I cannot thank you publicly, but I do know (exactly!) who you are ;) I hope you enjoy seeing them in the final and maybe can still find room in your points for them! xcheer xlove

The success of one returnee is making me lean towards bringing back someone else... We shall see! ;)


Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
Re: England: WV95 - Errr

WV94: Mike Oldfield "Man on the Rocks"

Hehehe, yes, I know, I am telling you about my entry the day after the final results - it has been a very very busy few weeks! Mike Oldfield, as I said when I had an NF of his music way back in the WV70s, is one of my longest-standing favourite artists. My parents were both somewhat into his music, so I remember listening a lot to "Islands" on car journeys when I were a lad. It was, however, only when I went to university that I started really exploring his full range of music and realised that there were a heck of a lot of gems! For this song, however, it took until 2014 with the album of the same name. Unusually for the bloke who made his name with a 45 minute long instrumental, the album "Man on the Rocks" solely consisted of vocal pieces (something he had only done once before). Despite my love of his instrumentals (do look out for "When The Wind Chimes", "Tubular Bells", "QE2", "Taurus" and plenty of others tbh!), this album soon became a very firm favourite of mine and the title track in particular. In fact, it was such a good song that I chose it as an example of Mike's music when I was showing Calvin around my musical tastes early on in our relationship and, much to my surprise, it was one of his favourite songs in the selection I showed him!

When I had the NF, I cannot say I was too surprised that "Islands" won, given the singer on the song was Bonnie Tyler :p However, I promised myself that I would send a song where Mike was the big name and it was going to be "Man on the Rocks". That edition was going to be last edition, but I know that Kai is not a fan at all of the song and it seemed mean to time it when it was his edition, so I decided to delay one more edition and wait until now...

AND BOY DID IT DELIVER!!! Wowzers guys, I mean, you all made me so so happy getting Sky into the final last edition, but to see SUCH a stonkingly brilliant result for Mike Oldfield is absolutely incredible, believe you me! xlove It was a genuine shock - I had hoped to qualify, but even top ten seemed overly optimistic to me. Second is just amazing so thank you to everyone who voted for Mike and the song. xhug xhug Special mentions, ofc, to the four who gave it :12: - James, Calvin, fer and Rose xlove xlove xlove xlove

As for next edition, hmm, well in all honesty I find myself at a bit of a crossroads! Definitely time to introduce someone new to the equation, but whom and with what... Well, what can I say, but... you will see ;)
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