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Urgent EFFILAND 👻 SPOOKY ABBA NF 💀 (page 13)

Which spooky abba song do you prefer?

  • Spillways

  • Mary On A Cross

  • Dance Macabre

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Active member
July 19, 2020
There's an Effifestivalen spin off?
Wow you guys
my feelings rn can only be described as a deep internet proverb says: "I can't even!!"


Active member
July 19, 2020
Hahah I couldnt remember my usernaame so I re-registered last night. Turns out it was the same + the h.
I can't remember my password and the email address I used back then is long gone so... Baris without h!


Well-known member
October 2, 2009
Ankara, Turkey // Effiland

Our country was in turmoil for decades and decades. Many revolutions has come and passed. All this chaos is he reason why we were absent for so long.
When the news about our corrupt politicians who drained our country's treasury surfaced, people of Effiland has rioted and the government shut down. The shock was immense and for the following almost two decades, no government was able to lead to country more than a year. People fed up with politicians and their incompetence. A long dark period has followed the last cabinet; no one was leading the country, anarchy was everywhere. People grouped together and created their own states, most of which couldn't last very long.
A handful of microstates were strong enough to live and lead their people, provide them with their needs and create a new society. But the hearts of men, are easily corrupted. Power hungry tyrant leaders of these states started wars between them in order to have control of the land, which in the end was what took them down.
Again people of Effiland were all alone. Some radical fanatics militarized themselves and started to protect country's border, letting no one in or out. They were thinking that foreign elements were trying to assimilate Effiland. This prevented any help from any other nations to reach to people of Effiland.
And then, some bright minded history nerd from the ancient capital of Effiland had an idea to track down the long gone dynasty members. She was not alone. The idea of reviving monarchy gained some momentum amongst people, who were desperately looking for a leader to end Effiland's misery and bring back the glorious days.
Royal family members have been found and once again, Effiland's ancient capital had a king on the throne!
So the Capital State became the first ordered parts of Effiland. With the news spreading that there's a king on the throne, some states organized around this idea and supported Capital State. Anti-monarchists tried to suffocate this wildfire, but people of Effiland wanted one thing and one thing only: to unite again.
After some decades that were politically tricky (some states falled down with antimonarchist effort, some states grew stronger and wanted to take the King down again. A lot has happened, okay?) Effiland again united under the same flag and became one whole nation: United Kingdom of Effiland.
New constitution had been prepared and the flag has changed. They got rid of the boring grey lines of old flag;​
  • White background: Represents the ever pure land of Effiland​
  • Green lines: Represents the youthful, productive, great people of the country (hence it stayed)
  • Red lines: Represents the monarchy, and the royal family's lineage.


Well-known member
October 2, 2009
Ankara, Turkey // Effiland
I realised our new flag resembles the Faroe Islands flag too much for comfort; but it's a major change and I wanted something that can be reproduced easily so it'll stay.


The authorities gave a great deal of thinking in order to choose our next representative and after a long procedure of elimination, it's decided Tugba Yurt to wave our flag on the WLSC stage!

Tugba Yurt is a singer originally from the southeastern part of Effiland, who was educated at the New Royal Academy of Arts. She was awarded with an honorific title for her contrubitions to Effiland's musical industry and her activism for the welfare of Effing people. She is well known allover the country for her humanitarian activities and is also an icon for Effing LGBTQ+ communities, just like her predecessor Mabel Matiz.

The official music video is shot in one of the many beaches near her hometown, which is funded by the Tourism Ministry. The song is called Inceden Inceden (Oh So Subtly in English). You can find the translation of the lyrics as embedded subtitles in the official video.

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Staff member
March 1, 2013
we know it


Well-known member
October 2, 2009
Ankara, Turkey // Effiland
Effiland in WLSC: A New Era

Effiland's national broadcaster has released another statement on Monday morning, declaring a new era for Effiland's representation on Waiting List Song Contest. Starting from the 205th edition, for the next couple of editions, entries are going to be more "organic" sounding and more emotional depth. EfT chairwoman Yodeleisson commented on the press release: "Even though the radio-ready over produced dance bops are instant hits, we would like to try this new approach and show a different side of Effiland."

With the statement, next representer and the song is also released! Effiland is going to be represented by AURORA in WLSC 205 with the song Forgotten Love. The song started to circulate on radios as of this morning and generating mainly positive reviews.



Well-known member
October 2, 2009
Ankara, Turkey // Effiland
No matter the result of WLSC 205, Effiland has chosen the song for 206th edition. As stated in the post above, we're trying a different approach for a few editions and the song will definitely reflect it.
The song will be announced as soon as the new thread is posted. Stay tuned! xcheer
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