Imo, the bigger the WL is, the more points they should get to give. I put together this before I had to leave for work this morning:
1 WL nation: Divide by 1 = 1 vote (one set of NSC votes, 58 points in total)
2 WL nations: Divide by 2 = 1 vote
3 WL nations: Divide by 3 = 1 vote
4 WL nations: Divide by 4 = 1 vote
5 WL nations: Divide by 5 = 1 vote
6 WL nations: Divide by 3 = 2 votes (two sets of NSC votes, 116 points in total)
7 WL nations: Divide by 3,5 = 2 votes
8 WL nations: Divide by 4 = 2 votes
9 WL nations: Divide by 3 = 3 votes (174 points)
10 WL nations: Divide by 3,33 = 3 votes
11 WL nations: Divide by 3,67 = 3 votes
12 WL nations: Divide by 3 = 4 votes (232 points)
13 WL nations: Divide by 3,25 = 4 votes
14 WL nations: Divide by 3,5 = 4 votes
15 WL nations: Divide by 3 = 5 votes (290 points)
16 WL nations: Divide by 3,2 = 5 votes
17 WL nations: Divide by 3,4 = 5 votes
18 WL nations: Divide by 3 = 6 votes (348 points)
19 WL nations: Divide by 3,167 = 6 votes
20 WL nations: Divide by 3,33 = 6 votes
21 WL nations: Divide by 3,5 = 6 votes
22 WL nations: Divide by 3,67 = 6 votes
And so on. And if the 348 points looks scary, a full roster voting would give 3480 points. So a WL at the current size would give 10% of what the rest of us can do. To me, that seems fair. And unlike the ESC, we wouldn't be doubling the total score here. Would there be a new points record? Maybe. But in the last 100 editions, only 40 songs has reached 200 points or more. Yindy's score will still be hard to beat. But the record is now over 100 editions old. That tells me that maybe it's time to increase the chances of breaking the record a bit.
But I also want to point out that I want this added TOGETHER with the idea of WL nations filling the vacant spots in each edition, not instead of it. For me, this is all about making the experience better for the people stuck on the WL. So to give a few of them a chance to shine every edition, as well as making all of their voices heard a bit better during the voting, would be a lot better than the system we have today.
I think the only way we can make the long wait shorter is to make NSC less attractive, so that more of us will withdraw, and I don't think any of us really wants that. So the WL will remain long. The only realistic option is to make the WL time less painful. And I think we're on the right track.
Altho, it remains to be seen what comes out of the polls eventually, there's a big silent majority here...
I don't think people are reju voting for those silly 6 bonus points. PQs have nothing to gain and they still vote.
It certainly helps. I would reju vote less often if I didn't have that 6 points bonus waiting for me.