What the hell happened with Rim Tim Tagi Dim? Studio is great but...
- The vocals were very bad and if they weren´t, I wasn´t able to her his voice over thousands layers of prerecorded vocals. Even Aiko was better, because we were able to hear her.
- The staging looks like cheap version of Kaarija.
9.Vatra – “Slatke suze, gorka ljubav”
i know that lovely lu will have no chance but vatra would be a better winner than the copycat.
this offers quality!
I still think Baby Lasanga can get a good result at ESC if they fix a few things, and by a few I mean quite a lot but manageable, but with this concept I struggle to see this being a top 5 contender. Right now the ceiling is giving me like 8th-12th as I feel the concept is trying to hard to appeal to a certain audience but is not accessible enough to attract a wider range of audience or certain jury members which it will need to do if it wants to break the top 5.