Croatia got the score 2.85/10 on German Songcheck. With that score, it is second to last. x0s
Can someone give a summary of what they are saying? I don't understand German, but I think I understood the hosts say that it's like a Disney song sang by Olaf. X_X
He reminds Alina of Ari Olafsson, but he screams too much.
Consi became more gay just by looking at him.
Pauls thinks the first Line is scary. It sounds sect-like.
Isabell thinks the Wings are funny.
For Larissa his Outfit is a NoGo. But he sings incredible.
Broder thinks Roko looks like him and that is very bad.
Jan wants Roko to fulfil his dream, but he needs another Try at ESC for this.
Marcel thinks its ok, except the Wings.
Stefan thinks he should change his Performance.
The Users think Kroatia needs to send Dino Jelusic to win ESC.
Another wishes Kroatia to qualify so that the Big Audience can watch this entertaining Trash.
The last calls this Song Guilty Pleasure and wishes the Wings to disappear.