As I told Winner must be someone that won NSC edition. Congrats Zaprya. you must be so proud of winning anything in NSC. Very dissapointed with my result. Expected much more. Anyway thank you very much to all who voted for my song
And that means she sends good songs
Stop being so envious of someones NSC success!
It's not the end of the world if someone who already won wins again, and you don't!
Congrats Zaprya, great song!
And thanks everyone who voted for Scorpionia!
And in Vedati way, thanks Vedatistan for the 0 points [/vedati]
Grow up!
stop fighting in my country!!!
thank youand congrats to Eras for the fantastic show and for being a great host of the spinoff
Oh a war again
What I told? I said Congrats. I loved Zapryas song thats why I gave points for that song. And please dont reply to my post in the future You are annoying me. I cant stand your arrogancy. You grow up !!
stop fighting in my country!!!