Re: BULGARIA 2016 - Poli Genova
Mmmm what can i say. The choice of Poli Genova is indifferent to me. Are they serious, is she the most famous singer in Bulgaria nowadays???. With the amount of talented singers they have in
with potential musical hits they came with a return instead like in 2013. I loved her in 2011 but now she will have a lot of pressure to have a song that is much better than Na Inat. And it she archieves the final it will be only because of the foreign team behind it, not because of a 100% bulgarian product. Seriously i would have prefered other singer, this is getting boring to have the same singers that already have their chance before. Today it was Poli and then Donny Montell, Kristia, Edyta Gorniak, Greta and company??????