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British Columbia


Well-known member
May 15, 2015
right here be that part where I request thread's ownership parts so I can clean up that goddamn Green Room mess


Well-known member
May 15, 2015

After some consideration, I thought I'd give having one of these a try. Right now, I am considering 4 songs, but with your help and votes, I am hoping to narrow it down to the one I'll submit as my entry for WV97:

Song #1 (This one has questionable eligiblity)

Song #2

Song #3

Song #4

You can also choose to have me submit another song besides the four above. I will need your votes via PM by this Wednesday.

Idk why Revnet thought it was a good idea to start this greenroom with a post like this but... we'll be undergoing changes regardless, baby! 8)


Well-known member
May 15, 2015
Re: G'day to BRITISH VANCOUVER 😈 WV 118: Onwards to California with a devilish surprise :O

jesus... january... h e l p

Anywhomst, for the next couple minutes I'm gonna post a couple of placeholder posts related to my only entry, including this one, which acts as the biiiiig setup for your expectations... Well at least I hope I can edit a title of a post, doesn't matter if I can't edit the thread's title, because I've moved on, but - regardless :cool:

The song is an indie one and all that and all that yadda yadda. See you. (Eventhough I saw you)
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Well-known member
May 15, 2015
Re: G'day to BRITISH VANCOUVER 😈 WV 118: Kandle - Demon

:bcol: IT'S DEMON TIME! :bcol:


So I've hopped countries having zero to 0.01% expectations and well... I was pleasantly surprised in what I could discover while I was on my 1-time tenure, but in the end I sort of chose a song I already knew??

Why this song?

See, I found out that Kandle was from British Columbia while trying to brainstorm hard at what could my first British Columbia entry be, while listening to all the stuff the "british columbia" tag threw at me on, and I found the possible use for at least *some* of these. But I knew "Demon" for a while more, as I shamelessly took it from the .net's answer to imaginary country music contest, Internatia Song Contest... because that's what my taste is, sometimes. And with this at the back of my head AND the perfect info about Kandle, I figured out this could be a perfect first entry.

So here I was, hoping to burst some recognition through that RevNet failed to deliver on the plate while being on and off this state! But why did it fail? To be continued xcheer

and since there was not "Kandle - Demon" gif available, have a "Candle - Demon" gif ;D
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Well-known member
May 15, 2015
Re: G'day to BRITISH VANCOUVER 😈 WV 118: Kandle - Demon

And so here I was, euphoriously eager to continue the path of my enthusiasm for my random off-the-whim country/region choices, if only for 3 times or until I win. Seriously! I was planning big at the time! I was hoping something that I would sent could bring me a victory, for which I was considering to film a massive-ass entry hint video! I've even bought a horse head mask that now dusts underneath my bed lol :V. But in the end I was too stressed out to pull it off at all. I wasn't mentally cutting it, I was in a shit mood inside and outside the forum, I've stuck around the NF season though just to see Lithuania's Eurovision competitors, and the possibility of us winning this year... if only Corona wasn't looming over.

But as you can see, the path didn't last long.

Because I forgot to vote in the final ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm thankful I voted in both semis (or at least just mine) because that means my resuIt is actually A-OK and it looks like I was probably close! It's just that I definitely think that I ran away from the forum enough to miss the final deadline where all of this fell apart... shame shame shame. Oh well, you live and you learn, and I've definitely learned - if there's a need for me to withdraw for good for once, it's to finally bow out gracefully, and not forget to vote when I need to do that the most.

Hope having Hesse will make me less forgetful this time.

By the way, I don't even know with how many points have I NQ'd, lmao. I'll visit the score when I'm making my personal banners for my own entries + maybe make up a banner for WV 95, because Eula lost her banners when something happened to her sister's Deviantart, but I vividly remember it being made in Paint + some picture of either the host country OR the competing countries accompanied it, too. Eula doesn't say, so I'll get creative.


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Well-known member
May 15, 2015
Today Gera made me realize I've been living a lie and I didn't even know it.

The post I quoted above will stay as is but will be edited now to match the real outcome of events. And also I will change the banner I had made for it just in case.

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