Wow, this has to be the best results show i've ever seen :shock: The way you made those videos was very professional Madde, the best scoreboards i've ever seen :shock: I was so captivated by the videos that i forgot to keep up with the actual results sometimes!
I loved making a video for the show, and i enjoyed everyone else's videos immensely, you were all great
I think it's particularly cool to hear all the different accents
Aand as for the results themselves (which feel very insignificant compared to the extremely entertaining show
), 6th is a surprise result for Halito, but i am honoured to come so high
Even if there were only 15 countries altogether xD Huge congratulations to 10 Regions of Mobius, your victory was well-deserved!
EDIT: Thanks especially to Comino for the 12! That sure doesn't happen every day