xyeahThere should also be an option: "I don't like/drink beer" :twisted:
Cider is more popular than Beer here among younger people so I guess the younger football fans like it too . The old fat fans that they show on TV though Id imagine are Carlsberg people .
There should also be an option: "I don't like/drink beer" :twisted:
It is, I like it as Cider and Black also with blackcurrant . In England, it's most associated with Cricket, Cider and Cricket are a traditional Englishman's life on a Sunday . One Cricket club in Somerset has had Cider jets installed at seats so that spectators dont have to leave their seats to go to the bar .But cider turns your head easily ! it's fantastic
Yes! That's exactly this beer with funny glas and it's funny when drinking as well Kwak
And @ commercial.
Hmm, also..in Serbia our football league is named after Jelen.:? (InBev is indeed a big player, and another big brewery is present here, dunno its name, but it owns Serbian 'Lav', these 2 r biggest direct competitors in beer market, all other beers r much smaller in Serbia. Especially in my city, 'Belgrade beer' is completely devastated company after some Lithuanian businessman bought it, I think we're only city in Serbia who will lose its local beer completely (Belgrade - BIP), I get always agry when think of it
One sexist commercial for Jelen beer campus
(I wonder if these girs r really waiting in the campus It would be a bit weird:?)
It is, I like it as Cider and Black also with blackcurrant . In England, it's most associated with Cricket, Cider and Cricket are a traditional Englishman's life on a Sunday . One Cricket club in Somerset has had Cider jets installed at seats so that spectators dont have to leave their seats to go to the bar .
Cider (especially Magner's) is nice, and it doesnt make me feel like I'm going to die the next morning
Your friend has a big capacity
I can't drink 2l bottle alone
I know some ppl in here who refuse to drink these 2l plastic bottles, they say beer should be drunk from smaller glass bottle, because brown/green plastic 2l was invented for poor customers and they say everywhere in Europe it would be forbidden already (they call it 'crime against beer'), but in Balkans everything goes. In my opinion...it's same...same type of beer tastes same..and 2l is more practical for carrying home then many small glass bottles.
There should also be an option: "I don't like/drink beer" :twisted:
I don't like it either.
Last saturday I got drunk by Tuborg Yay !