Our NSC 202 entry is an ode to an outstanding Netflix show Arcane, based on the popular MOBA game League of Legends. Miracle of Sound and Karliene got yet another opportunity to perform on the glorious NSC stage. Enjoy
After Konstrakta's phenomenal success on the last NSC, Belvist decided to go for a heavier entry this time around as well. A band that is well-known to the NSC community will get the chance to perform on this iconic contest once more.
Raising the topic "from the dead" for this special occasion
This is, officially, Belvist's 100th entry, and as such it needed to have something special about it. This wonderful gem was discovered several months ago thanks to @Veronika And because it is so dear to me, I've decided that there can be no other anniversary entry than this one. For the two of us, technically, it is a mutual song