Re: BELGIUM 2016
I like a couple of these songs (namely Tom's and Adil's), but I can't decide on a clear winner between the two yet, and neither one really amazes me. Adil's song has some great buildup verses, I think, but they don't really build to anything in particular... I just wish the song had some kind of climax or something. Yeah, I get that not every song has to be bombastic and epic, but the choruses of In Our Nature just feel a little too mellow and plodding after what the verses promise.
Tom's song has... kind of a similar problem, I think. It gets to a good place, the chorus is enjoyable, but it doesn't really elevate anywhere, make an attempt to stand out, anything like that. It feels like both of the entries I like are content with just being pleasant, or vaguely nice, without making much of an attempt at being memorable or impressive. They're there, and they're nice while you're listening to them, but I can't identify too much in either song that makes me want to come back and listen to it at any other time, and they slip my mind as soon as they've finished.
As for the other three... eh, I could take them or leave them. I don't really care enough about Astrid's or Laura's songs to even form an opinion on them; they just sit there, fill three minutes of my mind, and then leave without inciting any kind of emotion or impression. I mildly dislike Amaryllis' song - there's something about her voice, the notes, the backing music, or something along those lines that just isn't my kind of thing.
The whole NF just... doesn't really manage to leave a lasting impression on me one way or another. There's nothing to love, or hate, or even consider all that much in depth... it's just five mildly pleasant songs competing to see which one is slightly less forgettable than the others. None of them seem like shoe-ins for a qualification at Eurovision, though again it's all just so middle-of-the-road that I can't make a strong statement one way or the other.
I think I'll just hope for Tom or Adil to win and get a significant rework to their song. They've got good foundations, interesting ideas - I'd just prefer if they built on them a bit.