That is how you revamp a song, much much better! Much more exciting melody, the rap is much better, now you understand what she says and I hope she keeps working on it to Rotterdam. From the bottom moving upwards, at least for top 15 at the moment, love it!
This is much better and it was already catchy. She is very pretty and they have plenty of options for great staging. I wouldn't put Armenia out, but they have a very tough semi final.
They didn't do what I expected, but this is a big step in the right direction. It's still too monotonous to really work well, but at least it now has a nice hypnotic quality to it and it has a very nice thick bass. It's nice to listen to now, whereas before it sounded unfinished. The user before me says it sounded like a demo, that's a good way to put it.
Alright, so not much of a difference, except we finally have a studio version.... slightly less repetitive sounding, i guess. Not one of my favorites, but i'm curious to see what the staging will be like and how it will do in the scores.