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TOP 5!!!
Congrats to Aram!!
Congrats to Aram!!
I think he deserved better. I hate when they annouce a potential winner so early in the competition, it's hard to keep that momentum. Congrats to Armenia anyway. In my eyes, you've produced a masterpiece.
Thanks for the votes! I am so angry because of everything that happened few days ago. They just stole the victory from Aram. It's a obvious fact for me.
I am also sad for NL. They deserved it.
Thanks for the votes! I am so angry because of everything that happened few days ago. They just stole the victory from Aram. It's a obvious fact for me.
I am also sad for NL. They deserved it.
Oh and people doubted his top 5, some even top 10
SHOULD HAVE WON though, he slayed tonight!!!!
I was one of those X-OI
I should have believed harder. Really thought he would have gone further down. He was fourth as well in the semi, he was very lucky to keep that score though! I still gave him a vote in the final anyway, I thought it would be worthless but I'm happy I did it now.
I sent two and my country gave him low points, what a shame.
Armenian diaspora doesn't live in Belgium?
Belgium gave him 0!
But France gave him 12 and The Netherlands 7, how possible that Belgian jury kills him completely? :?