OMG I like so many guys this year, where do I start....

I think I can make a top ten actually!
1. Chingiz - so f**king hot.

2. Matthias (dark haired) in Hatari - isn't usually my type...he just oozes sex and power for me...

3. Mahmood - a really good looking man.

4. Duncan Laurence - also very attractive and got a nice bum too.

5. Conan Osiris - hot, with or without his mask on.

6. Sergey Lazarev - Surely has to be on the list.
7. Luca Hänni - Being quite similar to Nick Jonas is always a plus in my book..

8. John Lundvik - Such a good looking and likable man!

9. Miki Nunez - Such a cutie!
10. Joci Papai - Nice bearish guy to hug I think!
Wildcard: Serhat - Yes daddy, I got your number, expect a call anytime.