Previous top 10
1 Croatia 7,63
2 Slovakia 7,49
3 Turkey 7,48
4 Germany 7,37
5 France 7,29
6 Moldova 7,13
7 Spain 7,08
8 Azerbaijan 6,93
9 Romania 6,63
10 Denmark 6,57
new top 10:
1. Turkey 7,73
2. Slovakia 7,65
3. Germany 7,63
4. Croatia 7,52
5. Moldova 7,35
6. France 7,12
7. Azerbaijan 7,02
8. Romania 6,98
9. Latvia 6,90
10. Spain 6,88
Turkey has rised 2 positions and is the new leader.
Slovakia is still on 2nd place.
Croatia has dropped 3 positions from 1st to 4th.
Germany, Moldova, Romania and Azerbaijan have raised 1 position each.
Spain has dropped 3 positions.
Denmark is out of the top 10, and Latvia entered in top 10, on the 9th position.