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ABU International Dance Festival 2017


Well-known member
January 12, 2014
I have been hoping for a revival of the Eurovision Dance Contest for many years now, and this might be the closest thing we will get! The ABU International Dance Festival is planned to launch next year, and will take place in Hyderabad, India. The rules are obviously quite different, routines can be up to eight minutes long (it's going to be a long programme!) and 2-8 dancers are allowed on stage. It will be interesting to see how this does, and maybe if it takes off, the EBU would consider reviving EDC (highly unlikely, but I am forever hopeful!)


Well-known member
January 12, 2014
Posted a message a while back which seems to have disappeared, India has selected their entry, but they are currently they only nation participating, with just over two months until the event is scheduled to take place.
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