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AATW Hungary - The Show - Deadline 10/10 23.59 CET

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October 1, 2009
10 Instir || KFT - Afrika


The band KFT (KFT means Inc. in Hungarian) was formed in 1981 by four schoolmates and they're still together and active! The members are Tibor Bornai, András Laár, Miklós Lengyelfi and András Márton. Since the start, they have released fourteen albums the latest one in 2008.

This song "Afrika" was released in 1984, but it's still a "must" at every karaoke night!

Lyrics and translation!

Instir || KFT - Afrika

Ha meguntam, hogy mindig itt legyek
Majd utazgatok, mert utazni élvezet
De szóba se jöhet Skandinávia
Csak a jó meleg Afrika, ott fülledt az erotika

Kibérelek egy jó nagy puputevét
Bejárom Kenyát és Zimbabwét
Minden feketének fizetek egy feketét
Tömény romantika, imádlak Afrika

Párduc, oroszlán, gorilla, makákó
bambusznád, majomkenyérfa, kókuszdió
szavannák, fekete n?k
Ó-ó-ó, Afrika!

A lányokat majd a bozótba csábítom
Egy négercsókért mindenem odaadom
Utólag úgyis az egészet letagadom
Ha kérditek idehaza: Na milyen volt Afrika?

Párduc, oroszlán… (x2)

Instir || KFT – Africa

When I get bored of being here always
I’ll travel, ’cause travelling is fun
But Scandinavia is out of question
Only the warm Africa, with its sultry eroticism

I’ll rent a very big camel
I’ll tour around Kenya and Zimbabwe
I’ll pay a black (coffee) for every black
Pure romance, I adore you Africa

Panther, lion, gorilla, macaque!
Bamboo-cane, baobab tree, coconut
Savannas, black women
Oh oh oh Africa!

I’ll tempt the girls to the thickets
I’d give everything for a Negrokiss* (a pun: it's the name of this cookie and he also means a kiss from a black girl)
Later I’d deny the whole thing anway
When you will ask at home „How was like Africa?”

Panther, lion… (x2)


Active member
October 1, 2009
11 Comino || Rúzsa Magdi - Rövid utazás


She doesn't need much introduction, does she? :lol: Magdolna Rúzsa is a Hungarian girl born and grew up in Vojvodina, Serbia. She was studying to be an obstrectic nurse when she decided to go to Budapest and apply for the 3rd edition of Hungarian Idol which she went on to win. She released an album with her live performances from the show and it soon became triple platinum. A few months later she released her first studio album, writing some of the songs on her own. One of them was "Aprócska blues" with which she represented Hungary at ESC 2007, coming 9th in the final.

This song "Rövid utazás" was the first song released from her second and latest studio album. It also took part in a Vorhotin NF for NSC29 losing out to NOX.

Lyrics and translation!

Comino || Rúzsa Magdi – Rövid utazás

Ez egy rövid utazás, álmodozás
Jó, hogy itt voltam veled, jó, hogy itt voltál.

Hiába keresnék új arcokat,
Hiába szeretnék magamnak új hangokat.
Ha minden szó és minden hang
Most csak nekünk örül,
Kár, hogy egy sötét éjjel
Egy fekete felh?n
Végleg elt?nünk.

Ha velem vagy elhiszem
Minden az éjjelé.
Már nincsen semmi baj,
Úszunk a fény felé.

Ha velem vagy...

Ez egy rövid utazás, álmodozás
Jó, hogy itt voltam veled, jó, hogy itt voltál.

Semmi baj....

Ez egy rövid utazás…volt...álmodozás
Jó, hogy itt voltam veled, jó, hogy itt voltál.

Comino || Magdi Rúzsa – Short Journey

It’s a short journey, daydreaming
Good that I was here with you, good that you were here.

I’d search for new faces in vain.
I’d like to have new sounds in vain.
When every word and every sound
Is happy only for us
Shame that on a dark night
On a black cloud
We’ll disappear forever.

When you are with me I believe
Everything belongs to the night
There’re no problems anymore
We’re swimming towards the light

When you’re with me….

It’s a short journey, daydreaming
Good that I was here with you, good that you were here.

No problem…

It’s a short journey…there was…. daydreaming
Good that I was here with you, good that you were here.


Active member
October 1, 2009
12 Spila || Marozsán Erika - Szomorú vasárnap


The performer, Erika Marozsán is a Hungarian actress of Armenian descent. She played in numerous movies and is also a stage actress. She has also released an album in 2006 called "Szakíts, ha tudsz" ("Break Up If You Can").

The song was written in 1933 by Rezs? Seress. It's called as the "Hungarian suicide song" and according to urban legends it inspired hundreds of suicides. (Seress commited suicide himself) So be careful! ;) Told to be the most famous Hungarian song, it was translated to many languages and was covered by a lot of artists such as Billie Holiday, Ray Charles, Serge Gainsbourg, Sinéad O'Connor, Sarah McLachlan, Björk or Sarah Brightman.

The video is a scene from the Hungarian/German movie from 1999 of the same title.

Lyrics and translation!

Spila || Marozsán Erika – Szomorú vasárnap

Szomorú vasárnap
száz fehér virággal
vártalak kedvesem
templomi imával.
Álmokat kerget?
vasárnap délel?tt,
bánatom hintaja
nélküled visszajött.
(Nekem játssz!)
Azóta szomorú
mindig a vasárnap,
könny csak az italom,
kenyerem a bánat.
Szomorú vasárnap.

Utolsó vasárnap
kedvesem gyere el,
pap is lesz, koporsó,
ravatal, gyászlepel.
Akkor is virág vár,
virág és koporsó.
Virágos fák alatt
utam az utolsó.
Nyitva lesz szemem, hogy
még egyszer lássalak.
Ne félj a szememt?l,
holtan is áldalak!
Utolsó vasárnap.

Spila || Erika Marozsán – Gloomy Sunday

On a gloomy Sunday
With a hundred white flowers
I was waiting for you my dear
With a prayer
Chasing after dreams
On that Sunday morning
The carriage of my sorrow
Returned without you.
(Play for me!)
It is since than
My Sundays have been sad
Tears are my only drink
The sorrow is my bread
Gloomy Sunday.

On the last Sunday
Come to me my dear
There’ll be a priest, a coffin
A catafalque and a winding-sheet
Flowers will wait for you
Flowers and a coffin
Under the blossoming trees
It will be my last journey
My eyes will be open so that
I could see you for a last time
Don’t be afraid of my eyes
I’m blessing you even in my death!
Last Sunday.


Active member
October 1, 2009
13 Vorhota || Kaukázus - Szalai Éva


Kaukázus is an alternative rock band formed in 2002. The members are János Kardos-Horváth, Gábor F?rész, Miklós Toldi, Máriusz Fodor and Zoltán Demeter. During their first years they stayed "underground" a similar, already well-known band "Pál Utcai Fiúk" were helping them by advertising Kaukázus on their own website. The band had to wait until 2008 for their big breakthrough. This song "Szalai Éva" was one of their first hits. In 2008, the singer János Kardos-Horváth even got a state award which I could translate as the "Officer of the Order of the Hungarian Republic"

The fantastic thing about this video that its NOT an official one, but a fan-made video!

Lyrics and translation!

Vorhota || Kaukázus – Szalai Éva

Szabad a csók, ma szabad a szerelem
Szabadnapos a szívem, gyere velem!
Szalai Éva, te vagy a mindenem
Gumicukor vagyok a tenyereden!

Úgy érzem én, veled a végén vagy a legelején
Hogy szeret? n? vagy, annyira jó
Berepülsz a radar alá, te lopakodó.

És hányszor segítettél már,
És hányszor hagytál cserben,
Hányszor kerültem már föléd az ágyba’ nyakkend?be’

Szabad péntek, szabad szombat
Szabad szerelmeskedni
Szabad Szalai Évával az Édenkertbe’ almát szedni

Igen, igen
Igen, igen
Igen, igen

Szabad a csók …

Hányszor segítettél már
És hányszor hagytál cserben
Hányszor kerültem már föléd az ágyba’ nyakkend?be’.

Szabad péntek, szabad szombat
Szabad szerelmeskedni
Szabad-e a Szalai Évával az Édenkertben almát szedni?
Az Édenkertben almát szedni
az Édenkertben almát szedni
az Édenkertben szedni az almát.

Vorhota || Kaukázus – Éva Szalai

Kissing is allowed, today love is allowed
My heart has a day-off, come with me!
Éva Szalai, you’re my everything
I’m a gummybear on your palm.

I feel, with you the beginning or the very end
That you’re a loving woman, it’s so good
You fly beneath the radar, you stealth aircraft

And how many times have you helped me out
And how many times have you let me down
How many times I got above you in the bed in my tie

Free Friday, free Saturday
It’s allowed to make love
It’s allowed to pick apples in Paradise with Éva Szalai

Yes, yes
Yes, yes
Yes, yes

Kissing is allowed…

How many times have you helped me out
And how many times have you let me down
How many times I got above you in the bed in my tie

Free Friday, free Saturday
It’s allowed to make love
Is it allowed to pick apples in Paradise with Éva Szalai?
Picking apples in Paradise
Picking apples in Paradise
To pick apples in Paradise


Active member
October 1, 2009
14 Halito || ColorStar - Air Traffic


The band ColorStar was formed in 1996. Their current members are András Keleti, Zoltán Farkas, Ferenc Somogyi, Péter Szalay and Márton Szinovszki. They have released five albums up to date. Their music includes various styles such as jazz, folk music, rock or electronic music.

This song "Air Traffic" belongs to the latter style, released on their 4th album called "Komfort" (2004)


Halito || ColorStar – Air Traffic

Just a crosstown traffic in the air,
completely confused everything everywhere.
but the Sun will shine every day
but the Sun will rise every day.
And the rain will fall
and the rain still falls every day.


Active member
October 1, 2009
15 Noizeland || Bonanza Banzai - Induljon a banzáj!


Bonanza Banzai was formed in 1988 by three members, Ákos Kovács, Zsolt Hauber and Gábor Menczel. Sometimes called as the "Hungarian Depeche Mode" they've released seven albums together before disbanding in 1994.
After that Ákos started solo career and became one of the most popular male singers in Hungary, releasing thirteen studio albums.

This song "Induljon a banzáj!" was their first song and their biggest hit, still well-known these days.

Lyrics and translation!

Noizeland || Bonanza Banzai – Induljon a banzáj

Egy tenyérnyi hely sincsen szabadon
Huszadik századi jelek a falakon
A fiúk, a lányok most összejöttek
Hanyagok és jólöltözöttek.

Hát induljon a banzáj
Essen szét a ház
Legyen úrrá rajtunk az aktuális láz

Nyugati a zene, de keletre tart
És nem állja útját se tenger, se part
Persze nem biztos, hogy jót tesz neked,
Ha kiszolgálják az ízlésedet.

Hát induljon a banzáj…(x3)

Egyszerre dzsungel egyszerre sivatag
A múltad beszédes a jöv?d hallgatag
Egyszerre sivatag egyszerre dzsungel
Jöv?d még nincsen, a múltad már nem kell.

Hát induljon a banzáj...

Noizeland || Bonanza Banzai – Let’s Get the Blast Started

There’s not even a palm-sized place left free
Signs of the twentieth century on the wall
Boys and girls now got together
They are careless and well-dressed.

So let’s get the blast started
Let’s bring down the house
Let the latest fever overcome us (x2)

The music is Western but it goes to the East
And isn’t stopped by either the sea or the coast
But of course maybe it isn’t good for you
When your taste is satisfied like this

So let’s get the blast started… (x3)

Jungle at the same time, desert at the same time
Your past tells a lot, your future is silent
Desert at the same time, jungle at the same time
You have no future yet, your past isn’t needed anymore

So let’s get the blast started...


Active member
October 1, 2009
16 Reym-L-Dneurb || Vad Fruttik - Nekem senkim sincsen


Vad Fruttik ("Wild Fruits") was formed in 1996. Members are Marcell Likó, Zoltán Józsa, Gábor Kaszás, Gergely Kerekes, Tamás Herter and Gyula Gy?rffy. Despite playing music together and taking part in numerous music festivals since 1996, their first studio album bringing them the long waited succes was released only in 2006 funnily titled "Rózsikámnak digitálisan" ("For My Rosie Digitally") which was followed by "Egy éjszaka Bohémiában" ("One Night In Bohemia") in 2008.

This song "Nekem senkim sincsen" was their second single released from the debut album.

Lyrics and translation!

Reym-L-Dneurb || Vad Fruttik – Nekem senkim sincsen

A buli íze a számban
Lányok neonruhában
Oldódnak a színpadon
Részeg vagyok nem is tudom
Mire jó, ha jó ez
Az alkohol boldoggá tesz
Akkor az a kevés kis öröm
Is kihányva fekszik a kövön

Fáj a fejem,a szívem túl nagy
És nem tudom, nem tudom hol vagy
Forog a világ, elfolyik minden
Nekem senkim, de senkim sincsen (x2)

A torkom összeszorul
Járni alig bírok
Az útra napfény borul
Ha rád gondolok sírok
Nincs már miben hinnem
Ráuntam a tájra
Nekem senkim sincsen
Most látsz utoljára

Fáj a fejem…
Nekem senkim, de senkim, de senkim, de senkim sincsen!

Reym-L-Dneurb || Vad Fruttik – I Have Nobody

The taste of the party in my mouth
Girls in neondresses
Relaxing on the stage
I’m drunken, I don’t even know
What is it good for, if it’s good
Alcohol makes me happy
Then that bit of happiness
Is also in the street, threw up.

My head is aching, my heart is too big
And I don’t know, I don’t know where are you
The world is spinning, everything fades away
I have nobody, nobody at all. (x2)

My throat is soaring
I can hardly walk
The sun is shining on the street
When I think of you I cry
I have nothing to believe in
I’m bored of this landscape
I have nobody
You see me for the last time

My head is aching…
I have nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody at all!


Active member
October 1, 2009
17 Orovoda || Dalriada - Égi madár


Dalriada (previously called "Echo of Dalriada") is a band formed in 1998 playing folk-metal. Members are Laura Binder, András Ficzek, Mátyás Németh-Szabó, Barnabás Ungár, Tadeusz Rieckmann and István Molnár. Their first succes was "A walesi bárdok" ("The Bards of Wales"), music added to a poem by Hungarian poet János Arany. (Similarly to Ágnes Vanilla's "Óh szív nyugodj") They have released six albums so far.

This song "Égi madár" is a song from their 5th album called "Szelek" ("Winds") (2008).

Lyrics and translation! This song uses "archaic" Hungarian which I unfortunately couldnt show in the translation. Some examples: the lyrics says "remínségben" ("in hope") which said today as "reménységben" or it says "lészen" instead of "lesz" ("will be"). People can understand it, but nobody speaks like this nowadays.

Orovoda || Dalriada – Égi madár

Mit búsulsz kenyeres, mid?n semmid sincsen?
Jó az Isten, jót ád, légy remínségben.
Fölnyílik az id? majd az gyönge f?re,
Hova szemünk lát, elbujdosunk ketten.

Gondunk sem lesz majd csak mint a madárnak,
melyet szabad szél repít a világnak,
erd?k alatt, fák avarja vetett ágy,
cseng?-bongó patak tiszta vizet ád.

Mondd, mért búsulsz, pajtás,
hej, mikor már fedeled sincsen,
meleget ád az ég még,
kenyeret ád az Isten!

Orovoda || Dalriada – Skyey Bird

Why are you sad pal, when you have nothing?
God is good, gives you good, just hope
Time will open on the weak grass
As far as the eye can see, we will be hiding there

We won’t have any worries, just like the bird
Which flies on free winds around the world
Under the trees, fallen leaves are your bed
Twinkling stream gives you clear water.

Tell me why are you sorrowful, my friend
Hey, when you don’t even have roof
Sky will give you warmth
God will give you bread!


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October 1, 2009
18 Canedonia || Neoton Família - Don Quijote


Neoton Família (internationally known as Newton Family) was formed in 1977 as a fusion of two bands (Neoton; formed in 1965 and Kócbabák; formed in 1973) One of the most popular bands of the '80s they're still active today and released twenty-two studio albums so far in Hungary and in many foreign countries. Through this long time of course there were a lot of members joining and leaving the band, the two main members of the band are Éva Csepregi and Ádám Végvári. In 1983 they won the Yamaha Music Festival in Japan.

This song "Don Quijote" was released in 1980 on their 6th album called "Marathon".

Lyrics and translation!

Canedonia || Neoton Família – Don Quijote

A lovagregények a plafonig értek,
És köztük egy szikár alak ült.
A füstöl? gyertya a körmére égett,
Ha az ész fejvesztve menekült.
A valóság végül már messze járt,
S ? elindult akkor, hogy átélje, amit kitalált.

Don Quijote, Don Quijote,
A szélmalom csak játszik veled.
Don Quijote, Don Quijote,
Ma is köztünk élsz, de más a neved.
Don Quijote, Don Quijote,
A szélmalomharc mire való?
Don Quijote, Don Quijote,
Minek álmodni, ha ébren is jó?

Bús kép? lovag az utakat rója,
Ha nincs, hát keres akadályt.
S ha úgy érzi, fontos, hogy valaki várja,
Egy Dulcineát is kitalál.
A valóság gyakran a fejére áll,
? nekivág akkor, és rémes, hogy néha mit csinál.

Don Quijote…

A valóság gyakran a fejére áll,
? nekivág akkor, és rémes, hogy néha mit csinál.

Don Quijote… (x2)

Canedonia || Neoton Família – Don Quijote

The books of chivalric heroes were reaching the ceiling
And among them a spare person was sitting
The candles already burnt on his nails
His mind was running away
Reality was already far away
And then he started to live through what he found out

Don Quijote, Don Quijote
The windmill is only playing with you
Don Quijote, Don Quijote
You still live among us, but with another name
Don Quijote, Don Quijote
What does fighting windmills worth?
Don Quijote, Don Quijote
Why to dream when you could be awake?

A sad-faced knight was running in the streets
If there aren’t any, then he looks for obstacles
And if he wants someone to wait for him
He finds out a Dulcinea.
Reality often turns upside-down
Then he goes ahead, and it’s afwul what he can do sometimes
Don Quijote…

Reality often turns upside-down
Then he goes ahead, and it’s afwul what he can do sometimes
Don Quijote… (x2)


Active member
October 1, 2009
19 Zaprya || Josh & Jutta - Fagyos a szívem


Josh (József Szarvas) and Jutta (Judit Szeibert) formed their dance/pop duo in 2005. They soon became succesful, their first songs easily found their way to the top of the charts of the Hungarian music channel so they got the chance to release their debut album "Vár rám az ismeretlen" ("The Unknown Is Waiting For Me") in 2006 which was followed by "Szabadon" ("Freely") the next year. Both of the albums made it to the top 20 of the Hungarian Album Charts.

This song "Fagyos a szívem" was released on their debut album and is one of their four songs that became number one on the Hungarian music channel's chart.

Lyrics and translation!

Zaprya || Josh & Jutta – Fagyos a szívem

Fáradt fejjel bolyongok,
A város fénye bánt
Kihalt utcák s?r? csendjén
Visszhangzik a magány

Nem találom rég a helyem,
Vajon hol találok rád?
Neked adnám az életem,
Ha újra itt volnál

Fagyos a szívem, mert idebent tombol
Egy fázós jégvihar talán!
H?vös, hideg jégcsapjával a szívembe talál
Mert fagyos a szívem, bár odakint vársz majd,
Úgy fázom, érzem a hideg ráz,
Karjaidban felengedne a jégbörtön talán
Fagyos a szívem!

Lépéseim megremegnek
A hangod hallom már.
Képzeletben nálad járok,
Tudom, hogy újra vársz.

Némán szólok a messzeségbe:
Vajon hol találok Rád?
Neked adnám az életem,
Ha újra itt volnál

Fagyos a szívem… (x2)

Zaprya || Josh & Jutta – My Heart Is Frosty

I’m tired and wandering
The light of the city is hurting me
In the silence of the deserted streets
The sound of loneliness is echoing

I can’t find my place
Where could I find you?
I would give my life to you
If you were here again

My heart is frosty, ’cause inside of me
There’s a cold raging icestorm
Stabs my heart with its cold icicle
’Cause my heart is frosty, but you’ll wait outside
I’m so cold, I feel I’m shivering
In your arms this iceprison would melt
My heart is frosty!

My legs are shaking
I already hear your voice
I’m at you in my dreams
I know, you wait for me again.

I ask the silent distance
Where could I find you?
I would give my life to you
If you were here again

My heart is frosty… (x2)


Active member
October 1, 2009
20 Belvist || NOX - Százszor ölelj még!


The band NOX was formed in 2002, originally by three members Szilvia Péter Szabó, Tamás Nagy and Zoltán Sz?cs, but the latter left the band very soon. They have released seven albums so far. On their debut album they made cover versions of Hungarian folk songs, but after that they made their own songs but keeping the style of Hungarian folk music. In 2005 they represented Hungary at ESC, and their album released soon after this meant their real breakthrough making them one of the most popular Hungarian bands. In 2008 they returned with a new image and more electronic music style. Recent news about them is that Tamás Nagy left the band and a new album will be released this autumn.

They took part in NSC numerous times representing various countries, their best result in NSC is a 2nd place, achieved in NSC10 with the song "Nem lesz több tánc" representing Instir. They also won NSC ESC.

This song "Százszor ölelj még" is one of their earliest songs, released in 2003 on their 2nd album called "B?völet" ("Enchantment") The video features a lot of well-known Hungarian singers, actors, TV-personalities.

Lyrics and translation!

Belvist || NOX – Százszor ölelj még!

Szívem táján újra nyár van,
Csupa virág hét határban,
Legszebb szálát hajamba f?ztem,
Lássák, van már szerelmem!

Álmomban így kívántam,
Egyedül én mindig fáztam
Érted égek gyönyör? t?zben,
Minden könnyet feledtem.

Százszor ölelj még!
Csókkal bezárt titok lennék
Százszor szeress még!
Mást hogy szeretnék?!
Százszor ölelj még!
Édes-csodás b?nbe esnék
Százszor szeress még!
Mást hogy szeretnék?!

Szívem táján újra nyár van,
Csodavilág, napsugárban,
Csókok, csöndek, dalok a f?ben,
Éld át minden szerelmem!

Álmomban így kívántam,
Vigyen az út mindig párban
Sorsod láncát magamra f?ztem,
Téged kell hát szeretnem!

Százszor ölelj még (x2)

Belvist || NOX – Hug Me a Hundred Times More!

In my heart it’s summer again
There are flowers everywhere
I put the most beautiful one in my hair
So everyone could see, I’m in love

I wished so in my dreams
I was always cold by myself
I burn in beautiful fire for you
I forgot about every tear.

Hug me a hundred times more
I’d be a secret locked by kisses
Love me a hundred times more
How could I love someone else?
Hug me a hundred times more
I’d fall into sweet-wonderful sins
Love me a hundred times more
How could I love someone else?

In my heart it’s summer again
Wonderland in sunshine
Kisses, silence, songs in the grass
Live through all of my love!

I wished so in my dreams
May the road will be always for two
I attached your chain of fate on me
So it’s you I have to love!

Hug me a hundred times more… (x2)


Active member
October 1, 2009
21 Zechonia || Tankcsapda - Köszönet doktor


Tankcsapda (Tank-trap) is a rock band formed in 1989. Current members are László Lukács, Levente Molnár and Tamás Fejes. They started playing punk music but soon turned to heavy metal which brought them succes. Their trademark is the lyrics, all written by Lukács himself. They have released ten albums so far, the ones released after 2001 all got at least Gold certification. They were performing at Sziget since the very beginning of the festival.

They took part in NSC once, representing Instir in NSC24 with the song "Mennyország Tourist" which was eliminated in the semi-final coming 16th.

This song "Köszönet doktor" is their latest song, from their new album "Minden jót" ("All The Best") yet to be released.

Lyrics and translation!

Zechonia || Tankcsapda – Köszönet doktor

Egyszer úgyis
Felfalja majd ezt az egészet
Valami földönkívüli tenyészet
Mer' aki nem lát a fától egy erd?t
Az a legjobb ha a szemészet ajtaján dörömböl
Én se örömb?l faragom ezeket a faragatlan rímeket
És ha kérsz én adok a sörömb?l
De nem akarom látni a híreket.

Hogy bombát dobnak az arabokra
Gyerekek szakadnak szét apró darabokra
Vagy arccal a falnak éhen halnak
Közbe' meg annyi reklám megy a tévébe
Mintha a világ az utolsó évébe lépett volna
Csak valahogy eddig senki nem szólt róla.

Azt mondta az orvos
Ha a szíved fáj is néha
Adj rá hanger?t
És jobban leszel a rocktól
Nem a szeszt?l, nem is a drogtól
De a gitártól meg a dobtól
Végül tényleg jobban lettem
Köszönet doktor
köszönet doktor
köszönet doktor

Egyszer úgyis
Felfalja majd ezt az egészet
Valami földönkívüli tenyészet
Mer' aki nem lát a fától egy erd?t
Az a legjobb ha a szemészet ajtaján dörömböl
Én se örömb?l faragom ezeket a faragatlan rímeket
De az emberi faj vonzza a bajt
Ahogy a n?stények a hímeket.

Azt mondta az orvos…

Zechonia || Tankcsapda – Thank You Doctor

One day finally
This whole thing will be swallowed
By some kind of extraterrestrial being
’Cause one who can’t see the forest for the trees
Should rather knock on the door of the ophthalmology
I don’t versify these unpolished rhymes for my own good. And if you want, I’ll give you my beer
But I don’t want to see the news

That they throw bombs on the Arab
Children are torn into small pieces
Or they starve to death with their face against the wall
While tons of adverts are on the tv.
Like the world stepped into its last year
But somehow nobody has informed it about this so far.

The doctor told me
Even if your heart is aching sometimes
Turn on the volume
And rock will make you feel better
Not the alcohol, not the drugs
But the guitar and the drum.
In the end I got better indeed
Thank you doctor
Thank you doctor
Thank you doctor
Thank you

One day finally
This whole thing will be sallowed
By some kind of extraterrestrial being
’Cause one who can’t see the forest for the trees
Should rather knock on the door of the ophthalmology
I don’t versify these unpolished rhymes for my own good. But the human being is drawing trouble.
Like the female draw the male

The doctor told me…


Active member
October 1, 2009
22 Effiland || Szekeres Adrien - Olyan, mint Te


Adrien Szekeres started her singing career in 1996. She became known as the singer of the band Unisex, releasing two albums with them. She left the band in 2000 and started her solo career in 2001. Since then she released five albums achieveing her biggest succes in 2007 when her album "Olyan, mint Te" reached number one on Hungarian Albums Chart.

She took part in the Hungarian NF for ESC two times: coming 9th in 1994, and coming 2nd in 2008, losing out to Csézy on tie-breaker. She also took part in NSC once, coming 27th in the final of NSC15 with the song "Kiköt?k" representing Instir.

This song "Olyan, mint Te" is her biggest hit from the album of the same title and it was one of the most played songs on Hungarian radios in 2007.

Lyrics and translation!

Effiland || Szekeres Adrien – Olyan, mint Te

Nincs még egy pillantás, mi vérem szítaná,
Nincs még egy érintés, mi hangom fojtaná,
És úgy ringatna el, hogy könny? álmot szór,
Olyan, mint Te, nincs még egy, tudom jól.

Jártam a sziklás hegyeken,
Jártam a kincset rejt? szigeten,
Nincs már hely a földön,
Ami nem lenne börtön,
Ha nem vagy ott vagy nem jössz velem.

Nincs még egy pillantás…

Láttam a kívül gyönyör?t,
Hittem már édesnek a keser?t,
Úgy, ahogy Téged,
Soha nem láttam szépnek még senki mást,
Régóta tudom...

Nincs még egy pillantás…

Hány esélyt adott nekem a sors,
Nem vitt sehová
Vágyakon és a szavakon túl,
Most Benned leltem rá.

Nincs még egy pillantás, mi vérem szítaná,
Nincs még egy érintés, mi hangom fojtaná,
És úgy ringatna el, ó, nincs ennél nagyobb szó,
Olyan, mint Te, nincs még egy, tudom jól.

Nincs még egy pillantás…

Effiland || Adrien Szerekes – Someone Like You

There’s no other glance boiling my blood
There’s no other touch choking my voice
And nestling me so, making me fall asleep
Someone like you, there’s noone else, I know

I’ve been to rocky mountains
I’ve been to treasure islands
There’s no place in this world
That wouldn’t be a prison
If you’re not there, or if you don’t come with me

There’s no other glance…

I’ve seen beauty
I’ve felt sour to be sweet
The way, I see you
I’ve never seen anyone so beautiful
I knew it for long

There’s no other glance…

How many chances fate has given me
It didn’t take me anywhere
Beyond words and desire
Now I found it in you

There’s no other glance boiling my blood
There’s no other touch choking my voice
And nestling me so, oh , there’s no word bigger than this.
Someone like you, there’s noone else I know.

There’s no other glance…


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October 1, 2009
23 Balearica Island || Myon - Albion


Myon (real name: Márió Éget?) is a Hungarian DJ. He is mostly working together with another DJ, Shane 54 (El?d Császár), making remixes for Oakenfold, Above & Beyond or Vandit. Their remixes were featured on various compilation albums like Above & Beyond's 2008 compilation, "Anjunabeats Vol. 6." or Armin Van Buuren's ASOT 2008. Later they were offered to make a mix compilation for Armada, Armin Van Buuren's international dance label.

This song "Albion" was released in 2007 and it contains a reversed vocal sample of US group Andain’s 2003 progressive vocal trance hit Beautiful Things. (So no lyrics :D)


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October 1, 2009
24 QuiénDQ || Tóth Gabi - Salalla


Gabriella Tóth first appeared in the second edition of Hungarian Idol, where she came 3rd. There was a lot of attention on her, as her sister, Vera won the first edition a year before so they soon became known as the Tóth-sisters.
Gabi has released one album so far in 2005, the second one is yet to be released. During this short perioud she tried out various music styles from pop, R&B to rock.

She took part in NSC once, representing Instir in NSC18 with her song "Szívemet adnám".

This song "Salalla" is her latest single from her upcoming second album.

Lyrics and translation!

QuiénDQ || Tóth Gabi – Salalla

Bárhová is nézek annyi arc
Csak meglepetten bámul rám tudom
A szürke nép meg b?gve elszalad
Vezényszóra a vályúhoz
Kösz, ez így nem
Kösz, de most nem kell
Minekm hisz annyi más
Annyi minden
Több lehet benned
Hát vedd már észre!

Törj ki a kiszabott keretb?l,
Hogy önmagad lehess ne egy az ezerb?l
És éld úgy szívb?l az életed
Csak így lehetsz az, aki ma mindent megtehet!

Felkacagni mindig egyszer?bb,
Mint észrevenni bennünk van a baj
Most jól lakottan f?ben elterülsz
Ha föltör is ez most már nem zavar
Bocs, ez így nem
Bocs, de most nem kell
Minek, hisz annyi más
Annyi minden
Több lehet benned
Hát vedd már észre

Törj ki … (x4)

QuiénDQ || Gabi Tóth – Salalla

Wherever I look there are so many face
They stare at me in shock I know
The grey crowd roars
Marching at command to the trough
Thanks, but no thanks
Thanks, but not now
There’re so many others
So many things
There’s gotta be more to you
So realise it finally

Break out of the ordinary limits
To be yourself, not just one of the crowd
And live your life from the heart
So you can be the one who can do anything

Laughing is always easier
Than realising the mistake is in us
Now you’re lying on the ground happily
And you keep your feelings under control
Sorry, but no thanks
Sorry, but not now
There’re so many others
So many things
There’s gotta be more to you
So realise it finally

Break out… (x4)


Active member
October 1, 2009
25 Scorpionia || Bartók Krisztián - Forradalom


Krisztián Bartók took part in various talen spotting shows when he finally came to spotlight in 2004 when he participated in the first edition of Hungarian Idol. Though he wasnt a finalist - he was eliminated in the second chance round - he became more well-known after the show then of those who did make it to the final. He has released three albums so far.
He took part in NSC once, coming 2nd in the final of NSC28 with the song "T?z jöjj velem" representing Scorpionia.

This song "Forradalom" was his first song to be released on his debut album in 2005.

Lyrics and translation!

Scorpionia || Bartók Krisztián – Forradalom

Tart a harc a folyton vággyal.
Test a testtel, a csók a szájjal.
Kér a kéz egy érintéssel
Forradalmat minden éjjel.
Összeköt a vér a vérrel.
Felhevít az ?si t?zzel.
Újra kér a szenvedéllyel
Forradalmat minden éjjel.

Szerelem az, ami kell mindig egy valakivel,
De valami sosem az.
Kicsi vagy nagy a szerep, soha sincs az, mi lehet
Amíg a szív, ami hajt.

(I love you)
Nagy a baj, ha visszatart
(I love you)
A világod egy nagy vihart
(I love you)
Érezz csak és légy szabad
Kardot ki, itt háborúban vagy.

Tart a harc…

Nem elég az, aki szép, ha sohasem annyira ég,
Ahogy a vérem épp hajt.
Nem jó már rég ez a hely, és most az, aki kell
Egy másik bolygón szabad.

I love you…
Tart a harc… (x2)

Scorpionia || Krisztián Bartók – Revolution

The fight is going on with the eternal desire
Body against body, kiss against the lips
With a touch the hand is asking for
A revolution every night
Blood ties to the blood
Heated by the ancient fire
Passionately asking again for
A revolution every night

Love is all you need, always with the same one
But something is never the same
The role can be small or big, but it’s never what could be
until it’s the heart what makes you go ahead

(I love you)
It’s a big trouble when your world is
(I love you)
Holding back a big storm
(I love you)
Just feel and be free
Draw your sword, you’re at war here.

The fight is going on…

Being pretty is not enough if there’s no burning
Like my blood drives me
This place is not good for long, and now the one I want
Is free on another planet

I love you…
The fight is going on… (x2)


Active member
October 1, 2009
26 Cydoni-Gibberia || Yonderboi - People Always Talk About The Weather


Yonderboi (real name: László Fogarasi) is a composer. He experimented with music as a 16-year-old boy. He made an EP which was included on a compilation album. He moved to Budapest and his debut album called "Shallow and Profound" was soon released in 2000 which brought him international recognition. It was followed by "Splendid Isolation" in 2005.
Many of his songs were featured in computer games (Need For Speed:Carbon, FIFA 08, Test Drive Unlimited, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08)
With this song, he took part in the Vorhotin NF for NSC19 losing out to Lifehouse.

This song "People Always Talk About The Weather" was his second song released from his second album.


Cydoni-Gibberia || Yonderboi – People Always Talk About The Weather

Day by day I won't get younger
I'm afraid I'm getting older
Life is always getting faster
Can't take me any higher
Escape from fun
Plan to see it all
What I was looking for
On one of those days
When everybody was seriously dramatic
Dissatisfied with something they can't change .

Maybe they're still there all praying
For break in the weather
For break in the weather
(weather weather weather...)

People always talk about (weather weather weather...)
You can only talk about (weather weather weather...)

People always talk about the weather (x7)
We can only talk about the weather

Oh in summer you wish it was cooler
And in winter you wish it was milder
Conditions - they are never in your favour

(Wake up...)

People always talk about the weather
People always talk about the weather
People always talk about the weather
We can only talk about the weather

People always talk about the weather (x7)
We can only talk about the weather


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October 1, 2009
27 Tír An Abhainn || Ska Hecc - Ugyanonnan ugyanoda


Ska Hecc is a ska band formed in 2004. The members are Csaba Bihacker, Krisztián Demeter, László Makó, Bálint Malárik, Mátyás Mezei, Sándor Patyi and Attila Prukner. They released their debut album "Ska Hecc I." was released in 2005. They disbanded in 2008.

This song "Ugyanonnan ugyanoda" was released on their debut album and its their only song with a videoclip.

Lyrics and translation!

Tír An Abhainn || Ska Hecc – Ugyanonnan ugyanoda

Van aki sovány, van aki kövér,
Van aki fekete, van aki fehér,
Van aki magas, van aki pici,
Van aki tudja, van aki hiszi.
De tudod, barátom, ? ugyanolyan, mint Te,
? is DNS-b?l jött össze.

Van aki jóllakott, van aki éhes,
Van aki keser?, van aki édes,
Van aki helyes, van aki ronda,
Van aki építi,s van aki rontja.
De tudod, barátom, ? ugyanolyan, mint Te,
? is DNS-b?l jött össze.

Remélem értettél, te is ugyanonnan jöttél.
Remélem értettél, te is ugyanonnan jöttél.

Van aki nyugodt, van aki vérmes,
Van aki futott még, van aki érmes,
Van aki csúnya n?, van aki bomba,
Van aki teszi,s van ki csak mondja.
De tudod, barátom, ? ugyanolyan, mint Te,
? is DNS-b?l jött össze.

Van aki jól mozog, van aki béna,
Van aki dolgozik, van aki léha.
Van aki vétkezik, van aki ítél,
Van aki más helyen, van aki itt él.
De tudod, barátom, ? ugyanolyan, mint Te,
? is DNS-b?l jött össze.

Remélem értettél, te is ugyanonnan jöttél.
Remélem értettél, te is ugyanonnan jöttél.

Tír An Abhainn || Ska Hecc – From The Same Place To The Same Place

Some are thin, some are fat
Some are black, some are white
Some are tall, some are small
Some know it, some think it.
But you know my friend, he’s just like you
He was made of DNS too.

Some are sated, some are starving
Some are sour, some are sweet
Some are pretty, some are ugly
Some build it, some ruin it.
But you know my friend, he’s just like you
He was made of DNS too.

Hope you understood me, you came from the same place.
Hope you understood me, you came from the same place.

Some are calm, some are wild
Some are also-ran, some are medalist
Some are ugly woman, some are stunner
Some do it, some just say it.
But you know my friend, he’s just like you
He was made of DNS too.

Some move well, some are paralyzed
Some work, some are lazy
Some sin, some judge.
Some live away, some live here
But you know my friend, he’s just like you
He was made of DNS too.
Hope you understood me, you came from the same place.
Hope you understood me, you came from the same place.
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